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Hello and Welcome to My Photo Album. I am glad you stoped by. I will be adding pages as soon as Black Diamond and I can get new pictures up.

Click the box below to view my newest picture page that my best friend ~Angel~ aka ~Shell~ made for me!

These are a couple of Black Diamond and Myself together, we are getting ready to go out dancing.

These next few were taken on July 15th '98 at Black Diamond's work! Hope you like, I do ! Black Diamond had fun taken' them too!




Babys' Got her Blue Jeans On!

Can't you tell we're killing time during his lunch hour.But we had a blast.(still July 15 1998)

Here is my oldest he was with me today, Britt was at school you will get to see her's on page 2...

Well that was all of page one....I hope you like Pg.2 as much if not more it is of My kids...

Page 2...
