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Chapter 10

Kara sat back into the leather upholstery of the Mercedes and took a deep breath. After telling her whole Hanson story to Carrie, she freaked. Kara then told her they were going to meet them the next day and Carrie almost started hyperventilating. After calming Carrie down, she went over basic rules and steps so she wouldn't scream or faint when she saw them. All Kara could do was hope that Carrie listened. Cynthia was driving them to the Hanson residence and wouldn't be back until about 5:30 PM to pick them up. Mark had decided not to come because he hated Hanson and didn't really want to meet them. When Cynthia pulled up into the driveway, Kara glanced back at Carrie, who was wearing blue jean shorts and a green halter top tanktop, and gave her a calm down look. Kara went up and knocked on the door knocker. The door opened revealing Zac Hanson. Carrie nearly died, but she knew better than to scream she politely said hi and shook his hand when she was introduced.

"Hey! You must be Carrie." Taylor said and exchanged hand shakes w/her.

"Hi Kara!" Tay said and he led them into the living room. Ike was playing Sony Playstation and he got up and said hi to Carrie. Kara noticed the tension from the face of her cousin relax and soon she knew that her cousin was just as comfortable around them as she was. Carrie and Zac were deep into some sort of karate game on the Playstation when Ike pulled her over to the side of the room.

"Hey Kara?" Ike said

"Yeah Ike."

"OK. You know how I was acting all mad and stuff last night."


"Well, I wanted to apoligize for how rude and immature I seemed."

"Oh Ike. No prob. It didn't matter to me." Kara said smiling

"Good. Well, know. Would you like to go do something sometime." Ike asked nervously.

"Like you mean a date??"Kara asked, surprised. She was shocked. Isaac Hanson was asking her on a date!!

"Yeah, I guess you could call it that." Ike replied.

"Sure. When and where??" Kara said.

Isaac felt all the nervousness vanish. "Well, I could pick you up tonight at around like 7 and we could go see a movie."

"Sounds great! I'm sure my mom won't mind."

"Alright. Cool." Isaac said and they both walked back to where Zac and Carrie were playing the game.

Little to the knowledge of Kara and Ike, Taylor had overheard the whole conversation. For some strange reason he felt horrible. He should be happy for his brother, shouldn't he?? Taylor felt sudden jealousy overcome him, but he quickly brushed it away. It was a friendly date. Ike and Kara were only friends. He told Ike he didn't like Kara, which was partly true. He didn't like her a lot because he barely knew her. Ike was always the romantic one anyways. It was no doubt that he would fall in love at first sight because it had happened before and it turned into nothing. Tay regained whatever composure that was lost during his brief flashback. He walked into the living room where Ike, Kara, Carrie, and Zac were taking turns playing the Playstation. Kara noticed him first.

"Hey Tay! Where were you? You just seemed to diappear after we walked in here."

"Oh. I went upstairs to clean up a little. But anyways, don't you guys EVER get bored with video games. Zac, how about you show Kara and Carrie your treehouse. Ike and I will be out in a sec." Taylor said.

"Taylor buddy, you are a genius. How could I NOT show them the tree house!!" Zac said excitedly and grabbed Kara and Carrie by the wrists and dragged them towards the back door. Kara and Carrie both followed Zac out the back sliding glass door in the back and showed them to the treehouse which was off away from the house just a little way away.

"This way ladies." Zac said in butler type fashion, pointing to a ladder that went about 3 or 4 feet into the air. They climbed up to a platfom type thing that had about 3 ropes hanging off the top on 3 different sides.

"HEY!! Guys, I mean, girls, do you wanna play a really fun game in the tree house??" Zac exclaimed.

"Sure!! I'd love to Zac, but I don't know my way around this place at all." Carrie said.

"That's the cool part. I'll be it. It's easy. But, you'll need these." Zac said handing Carrie a bag of blue stones and Kara a bag of red ones and kept the bag of green ones for himself.

"These will mark that you have already been to one platform and whoever visits all the platforms and makes it back here first, wins!!! There are about 20 platforms and one BIG area, which is the main part of the tree house. You don't have to put a stone there. Also, be careful, there are some hidden ones too. No substituting and taking other peoples stones. Got it??" Zac said.

"Hey Zac! Don't ya think it's unfair cuz you know your way around this place and we don't?" Kara said.

"Well, kinda, but you can do your best to throw me off from where I've been. I won't do it to you though." Zac agreed reluctantly.

"Alright." Carrie began, "ON your mark , get set, GO!!!!" They were off. Racing around the complicated treehouse. At first Carrie took the lead, then Kara and Zac began to catch up. But meanwhile, inside the Hanson house, Ike and Tay were talking.

"Hey Ike," Tay began. "You know, we have to leave tomorrow morning. Remember, Letterman tomorrow night."

"Yeah, yeah. Are we gonna take Kara?? And Carrie??" Ike said.

"NO, we can't mom and dad won't let us. They say maybe next time. What IS next??" Taylor said, his voice squeaking on "is".

"Ummmm...I think Jenny McCarthy. Yeah, that's it." Ike said.

"Yeah. They can come, then I guess. I also wanted to tell you that..well....uh....remember about....nevermind. Let's go outside and see what Kara, Carrie, and Zac are doing." Taylor said nervously stopping himself before he said something stupid.

"Uhhh...OK." Ike said in his Butthead voice.

They raced each other to the treehouse and when they got there, they saw Zac, Carrie, and Kara breathless on the lowest platform.

"Hey guys!!' Ike yelled out.

"Hey Ike! "Carrie said. "You missed all the fun! I won that treehouse game. I thought Zac was going to win it for sure!!"

"Hey! The reigning treehouse champ gets knocked from his throne by an amatuer!!!" Ike said laughing. "Oh. Umm...Kara can I talk to you for a minute."

"Sure." She got down from the treehouse and walked over to Ike. She noticed Taylor's angry gaze in Ike's direction. 'Ike must have said sumthing that really ticked off Tay' she though carelessly.

"Hey, well, I might have to cancel our "date" as you put it for tonight cause me, Tay, and Zac have to go to New York tomorrow morning, REAL early. Is that OK?"

"Oh yeah. Just fine. Maybe when you get back we can go. You guys better e-mail me." Kara said reassuringly.

"We will. I promise!." Ike said. All of the sudden Walker called out the door.

"Kara! Your mom called and said she had to come pick you guys up early. She's on her way."

"OK Thanks Mr. Hanson!!" Kara yelled back. The five then headed towards the house, disappointed that their day had ended so abruptly.
