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Chapter 11

Kara glared angrily at her mother who was happily humming a Creedance Clearwater Revival song. Kara and Carrie were having the best time with the Hansons. They kne wthey wouldn't see each other 4 a week, so they were making the best of it. The Kara's mom called and said she was picking them up early. They were all really mad but had no choice but to say goodbye and promise to e-mail. Kara asked her mom why she had changed her mind about picking them up and her response was a careless, "You'll see." Kara was super-mad. Her mom was so innconsiderate sometimes. She galnced back at Carrie who was dreamily gazing out the window. 'Must be thinking about Zac. They were so flirting today. ' Kara thought as the black Mercedes pulled too a stop in the Lambert's garage. Cynthia Lambert gracefully leaped out of the car. 'Man, my mom is really acting weird.' Kara mumbled. They walked into the house and the aroma of her dad's famous spaghetti reached their noses. Carrie and Kara exchanged glances. Kara's dad only made his famous spaghetti on special occasions. What was so special about today? Kara and Carrie dashed up the stairs to clean up for dinner and talk.

"God Kara!! You are SO lucky to know the Hansons!!" Carrie squealed in delight

"Thanks. They are really cool." Kara replied.

"Yep. It sucks that we had to leave so early though." Carrie shouted from the bathroom where she was washing her hands.

"Yeah I know. I wonder what is so important. It's really weird that my dad made his spaghetti when it's not even a special occasion." Kara said, thinking aloud.

"Oh I agree. But your parents aren't the only ones keeping secrets here. I have one too." Carrie said brushing her thick auburn hair into a ponytail.

"Oh yeah. What would that be?" Kara asked as she turned off the running sink water so she could hear her cousin better.

"One of those Hanson brothers likes you...a lot." Carrie said mysteriously.

"Oh. You mean Ike? Yeah, I know. We were supposed to go on a date tonight but he's got o get up early tomorrow because they're going to New York." Kara replied casually.

"Ohmigosh! Are you serious?? Too bad that's not the Hanson I'm talking about." Carrie remarked.

"What?!?" Kara whirled around to face her cousin. "Who???"

"I promised I wouldn't tell but I've already given you a clue." Carrie said getting a mischevous gleam in her eye.

"Oh no. You are going....."Kara began.

"Kara! Carrie!! time for dinner. I've got a surprise for you!" Cynthia yelled up the stairs.

"Haha. I can't tell you now!" Carrie giggled and raced down the stairs. Kara followed her hoping she could weasel it out of her cousin later.. Meanwhile, she had to find out what her mother's big surprise was.
