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Chapter 12

Taylor shut the door with a sigh. He watched as Kara and Carrie got into the Mercedes. He was disappointed about Kara and Carrie leaving. Why did they have to leave so early? He was having fun. It was the first time he had real good friends that were girls. he wouldn't see them for a week. He knew he'd have to dig up his earplugs for all the screaming girls on Letterman. He whirled arouns to see Isaac looking at him. Taylor gulped. Ike had that weird look in his eye.

"Tay. I need to talk to you." Ike said in serious tone of voice.

"Uh...okay" Taylor said, his voice cracking.

Ike walked into the living room and sat down in the recliner and Taylor took a seat across from his brother.

"Taylor. I have a problem." Ike began, "Remember how I told you last night how I liked Kara a lot?"

Taylor nodded.

"Well, I asked her on this date and she said yes, but I canceled it because we have to leave early tomorrow morning."

Taylor knew this but responded with a look of surprise. "So what is the problem?"

"What is the problem???? What is the problem??" Ike said his voice rising.

"I feel torn. I like her but then again I don't want to go out with her yet cause if we broke up that would bring lots of tension to this whole thing. Her dad being our lawyer and all." Ike replied miserably.

"So are you saying you aren't going to do stuff w/her and try to go out with her?" Taylor asked, trying to contain his excitement.

"Unfortunately, yes." Ike said feeling sick to his stomach. "She so pretty and nice, but she doesn't seem to mesh well w/me. Too young I guess or she thinks I'ma a big geek." Ike finished quietly. Taylor felt very bad for Ike. He knew Ike like Kara a lot and it was a hard choice for him to decide he would let Kara go, or at least try to anyways.

"She doesn't think your a big geek Ike. She likes you as much as she likes me and Zac. Don't be so hard on yourself. Your doing the thing you know you should do." Taylor said comfortingly.

"Hey Tay! Why not cut the sympathy act?!?!" A voice yelled from the other side of the room. Ike and Tay looked up, startled. It was Zac. 'Oh no. Not now Zac. Please don't do this to me.' Taylor prayed silently.

"What are you talking about Zac?" Taylor asked calmly.

"OK, OK. I lied. You are sympathetic to Ike, but you are gonna pounce on the next oppurtunity to flirt with Kara." Zac said slowly and clearly.

'Oh damn. Zac and his big mouth. Why did I tell him I liked her anyway?' Taylor thought.

Ike glanced at Taylor.

"Is that true?" Ike asked.

Taylor knew he couldn't hide it any longer.

"Well...yeah, I do like Kara. I was planning on asking her out when we get back from New York.."

"Taylor!!! Why didn't you tell me? You lied!!!" Ike yelled.

"No Ike. I didn't like her that much when you asked me. Just being around her most of the day today made me see what type of person she was. I do like her...a lot." Taylor replied quickly.

"But, you knew I liked her. Were you gonna do this without telling me?What if I didn't tell you that I was gonna try to stop liking her?" Ike asked furiously.

"Ike. Listen. I was gonna tell before I did anything but...You told me first. I was gonna bring it up, but Zac did first. I'm really sorry, man." Taylor replied. He hated seeing Ike go through this much pain and anger over a girl he had known for 2 days.

Ike took a deep breath.

"Okay Tay. I believe you. It just hurts me that you trust Zac over me. No offense Zac. Tay, you and I use to be best friends. What happened???" Taylor hated being so emotional but went on.

"I know Ike. I was afraid you'd be mad at me. You liked Kara and I thought it would be weird if we both...nevermind. Just don't take it personally. You and Zac are my best friends. I will tell you anything. I just thought that you and Kara would start going out. But it turned out different and I..."Taylor trailed off.

"It's okay man. I know. " Ike replied solomnly. Meanwhile, the smirk on Zac's face had disintegrated to a frown. Maybe he should tell his brothers who he liked. It was appropriate.

"Hey guys." Zac said. "Since your into the tell your brothers everything mode I think I'll tell you who I like and am gonna ask out."

Ike and Tay exchanged glances. Zac??? Like somone?? Weird. It was uncommon for Zac to even talk to the same girl for more than an hour.

"Come on Zac! Quit playing." Tay remarked.

"I'm not. I like Carrie. I'm gonna ask her out when we get back." Zac said. Ike and Tay's jaws dropped open.

"Well, go ahead Zac. She's cool. Now that I think about, you DO know how to flirt." Ike said.

"Well, uh, thanks. I'm gonna go into the kitchen now." Zac replied nervously.He left room hurridly.

"That boy can be easily embarassed." Tay remarked quietly.

"Boys!!" Diana Hanson stuck her head in the living room.

"Yeah mom." Ike said.

"It's time to eat supper. I've got a surprise to tell you about." She said winking.

"Uh...OK."Ike said in his Beavis and Butthead voice.

'Wonder what the surprise is.' Tay thought to himself as he headed towards the kitchen.
