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Chapter 15

Sunlight streamed through Kara's windows. She rolled over and opened one eye to see the clock. 10: 39AM. She gazed dreamily at the ceiling. The last thing she remembered about last night was that she was in Taylor's arms and he kept repeating "I'm sorry" over and over. She also remembered the horrible fight and her mother's announcement. It had been another eventful night. She sat up. As if on cue, Carrie rushed into the room.

"Ohmigod! I'm so sorry about last night. I didn't mean to blow up like that and then the Taylor thing on top of that. Are you OK?" Carrie said hurridly.

"Carrie, its OK. Taylor and I are better now. We exchanged our aplogies." Kara said remembering the smell of Taylor's cologne, CKBe.

"Oh. Well, still, at first it must have been bad."

"It was but....we made up." Kara replied still remembering the whole experience.

"Ok. That's good. Anyways, I was brainstorming this morning and I came up with this kick ass idea. You know how we won't get to see the Hansons all that much anymore since they'll be touring? Well, we can start our own band. That way we can be with them. Do you like it?" Carrie asked anxiously.

"Carrie, come on. Its not that easy to become a band. I mean, getting instruments, learning how to play instruments, singers, the record deal. there is no chance in hell we could do that AND we'd be competing with Hanson and that wouldn't be cool." Kara replied, shrugging off the suggestion.

"Ah. My dear cousin. That is where you are wrong. Instruments. Well, a guitar would be good. And Mark has one. Plus grandma is coming into town in a couple weeks so we can probably schmooze the money out of her to buy one. Learning. Please. We've got 3 great teachers plus Mark and I know guitar pretty well. Don't tell me your years of piano lessons have worn off now Kara. You can play the keyboards/piano. Drums, well, I could learn 'em and have Mark play guitar. I don't know where I'd get 'em, but I betcha we could find some.. Record Deal. Hanson has got the inside track and they could hook us up with Mercury. So what do ya think?" carrie insisited.

"I think that you need serious psychiactric help. I would never ask Tay, Ike, or Zac for that kinda thing. They can enjoy the glory and plus they are busy and I don't wanna. And schmoozing money off grandma?!?! What's your problem? Sorry dear cousin." Kara said and rolled her eyes. She took a shower and got dressed, the headed downstairs. She flipped on the television. 'Who left it on CNN?' she muttered to herself. She was about to change it when the newscaster came on and had a report that caught her attention.

"In other news, today a private plane suppposedly containing the pop group Hanson and their family collided with the ground at a New York airport. Some sources say that all the Hansons escaped safely before the plane burst into flames and finally exploded. Other sources say that only several members of the family escaped. Nothing has been confirmed yet but we'll keep you posted."

Kara flipped off the television in disbelief. the Hansons in a plane wreck. This wasn't happening. She knew most people don't live that were in plane wrecks. She hoped the first report was true. She immediately dialed up her dad's number at his office.

"Gary Lambert's office. Who is calling?" his secretary said

"His daughter, Kara."

"One moment please." Kara waited patiently until she heard her fathers deep voice.


"Dad, did you hear about the Hanson's plane?" Kara choked out. It was taking all her might not to cry.

"Yes dear. I'm working on it right away. I am going to have to fly out to New York probably tonight." Mr. Lambert replied.

"Oh dad! Are they alright? I wanna come with you." Kara pleaded.

"I don't know Kara. We'll see. But I've got to go. I'll let you know of any new developments. I love you dear. Bye!"

"Bye." Kara put down the phone. She took a deep breath. 'Calm down. Everyone is OK and alive.' she reassured herself. Kara then went upstairs and told Carrie the whole story.. Carrie became equally upset and they both watched for anymore news. Nothing.

"Carrie, I'm gonna go upstairs for a minute. I'll be right back." Kara said

"Ok. I'll watch for anything new." Carrie replied. Kara went into her room and just sat there. The knot in her stomach grew bigger as no new info came in. She walked over to her window when suddenly a sharp pain went through her foot. She looked down to see a pendant. She picked it up and examined it. It was a cross. 'It looks like it goes on a necklace. But I don't have a necklace anything like this. Maybe it is Carrie's.' Kara thought. She looked at the cross and then upwards. "Oh God. Please let all the Hansons be safe and unhurt. I care for them so much. Please protect them. Thank you so much.Amen." Kara prayed.

All of the sudden, Carrie yelled up the stairs.

"Kara!! Come quick!" Kara dropped the pendant into her pocket and hurried down the stairs. The announcer was just beginning the report.

"Just in, more news on the Hanson crash. All members of the Hanson family have been accounted for except for one. Investigators are still searching for the missing Hanson or his or her remains. Stay tuned for more info."

Kara's knees turned to Jello. She didn't know what to think. Most every Hanson was found but who was missing. She sat down on the steps and just looked at Carrie who was feeling the same way about the situation. All of the sudden the phone rang.

"Hello?" Kara managed to say.

"Kara. You heard the latest news right?" a voice said. It was her father.

"Yes. Dad, who is missing?" Kara asked and braced herself for the answer.

"I don't know. They won't release anything I've got my people working on it. But I'm definitely going to New York tonight. I talked with your mother and she said she thought it would be OK if you went. Carrie can if she wants. But I've got to get going. I'll call back later. Love you."

"I love you too." Kara said She explained the situation to Carrie.

"Kara, you should go with your dad. I'm not good in these situations. Just call me and tell me what happens." Carrie replied.

"Alright. I'll go. Whenever my dad calls back I'll tell him. I better go pack a little bag of clothes." Kara said.

"Kara, be careful and just don't lose it. Just be strong cause I know you are." Carrie said and gave her a hug. Kara felt scared but she knew this was something she should do. She went upstairs to pack .
