Chapter 2
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Chapter 2

Kara walked up her long paved driveway, munching on her Nutri-Grain bar, thinking. She liked living in a really nice house with her well- established parents, but she hated the location. In a little city outside of Tulsa, wasn't exactly her idea of nice, but she guessed she would have to live with it. It was as she called it the "middle of nowhere". When she reached the end of her driveway, she had finished her Nutri-Grain bar and was reaching over to put it in a trash can when she heard her name being called.

"Kara!! Kara! Wait up!!" It was her friend and only friend that lived on her street, Sonya. She looked kinda funny running down the street with her bookbag and purse bouncing around like crazy. Sonya's outfit resembled Kara's that day. She was wearing navy postman pants with a navy channelle sweater tee. She was wearing some funky looking platform tennis shoes too.

"Whew! I thought I'd never catch you! Did you forget your hearing aid this morning? I was calling your name ever since you walked out the front door."

"Sorry. I was just thinking." Kara said.

"Well, c'mon! We'd better go because we'll miss the bus if we don't! And my parents are getting mad at me because I'm making them take me whenever I miss the bus, which is a lot.

After several minutes of talking and laughing Sonya began to sing something very strange to Kara.

"MMMMMMMBop!!! Du Bop!!" Sonya was singing.

"What ARE you singing Sonya??" Kara said looking confused.

"Haven't you ever heard that before? Watch MTV sometime. It's one of the BuzzClips this month."

"What is MMMBop? Or whatever you said? Who sings it? What does it mean?"Kara was very curious about this song. It sounded weird. In the meantime, they had arrived at the bus stop. Ray and Matt, a couple of other kids on the street, came over and began to talk to them.

"Are you two talking about those chicks that sing that one song, MMMDop, or whatever?" Ray said.

"First of all Ray, they ARE NOT chicks and the song is called MMMBop not MMDop. Second of all, this is an A and B conversation so C your way out of it!!" Sonya fired at them.

"Fine...Fine..Whatever."Ray said, "C'mon Matt, let's find someone else to bug."

"Anyways, back to my questions." Kara said rolling her eyes at the totally immature duo.

"Well, I really don't like them all that much myself, I just can't let Ray win anything. They are 3 boys called Hanson. One is 11, one is 14, and the other is 16. They're all brothers. I think the reason I'm turned off is that they all have long blonde hair, not long, long, but it's long for a guy. The second turn off is that they're voices are SO high. It's scary." Sonya said knowingly. At that time the bus came. Kara and Sonya got the back seat of the bus. They really didn't talk about Hanson all that much, but that was what Kara was thinking about. 'I really have got to watch MTV when I get home to see this. They sound cute, but in a funny way.`

"Kara! Earth to Kara!!! Hello! You can get off the bus now! We're at school, the bell rang!" Sonya's voice broke her thoughts.

"Whoa! Sorry. I guess I am just out of it today."Kara mumbled. Kara got off the bus and headed straight for the school entrance. She waved a goodbye to Sonya, and was off to her locker. When she arrived, she found her best friend Melissa waiting for her.

"Hey girl! 'Sup? " Melissa greeted her. Melissa was a tall, slim girl with red hair. She had a few blonde streaks throughout it though. Today she was wearing some wide leg jeans and a white t-shirt w/a black tank top over it.

"Nothing much. You?"Kara replied

"Not much here either. I can't wait. Only a week left of school. Woohoo!!" Melissa replied.

"I know what you mean." Kara said. She slammed her locker and they both began to walk down the bright school hallway towards Kara's classroom.

"Hey Mel, have you ever heard of a group called Hanson or something like that?" Kara asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Oh. Them?? I hate them they are so..yuck. The song is so damn annoying. They play it like every 5 minutes on MTV. Why? Don't tell me you like them?" Melissa replied with disgust.

" wanted to know if you had ever heard of them." Just then the buzz of the bell sounded. "Bye Mel! Call me tonight!!" Kara shouted as Mel ran down the hall to her class. 'Wow.' Kara thought, 'Hanson isn't very popular with my friends. But I still have to see them. they sound so interesting, no matter how much Mel and Sonya dis them.' Kara sat down in her seat and took out her homework that was due that day. Kara's school day was an uneventful one. All day she though about Hanson. It was on her mind which made it hard for her to concentrate on sch00l work. Finally in the last hour of the day Kara was watching the minutes on the clock tick by slowly. Finally, the bell rang she rushed to her locker and jumped on the bus. She looked around to her dismay to find every seat full except for one. She rushed down the aisle and quickly sat down. She daydreamed the whole way home of Hanson and why all her friends hated them. Finally, the bus reached her stop and she hurridly got of the bus. Kara walked a little faster than usual and finally she reached her driveway. She reached in the mailbox and grabbed the day's mail. She sifted through it.

"Bill, bill, oh wow!. My Delia's magazine is here." Kara said, talking to herself. She let herself in through the front door and threw the rest of the mail onto the desk in the hall. She plopped down on the white overstuffed couch and began flipping through her magazine. Sudennly, she remembered she wanted to watch for Hanson on MTV. She found the remote and clicked over to MTV. After and hour of watching it they still hadn't shown it. She was about to turn it off when Carson Daly came on the screen and said 'Next up, a BuzzClip from a trio of 3 brothers from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Yep, you guessed it Hanson with "MMMBop" ' Kara was shocked. She couldn't believe these brothers were from Tulsa and her mom hadn't even mentioned anything about them nor had she even heard of them. 'Man, I need to get out more.' she thought to herself. She waited for the commercials to end. Finally, the video popped up onto the screen. She glanced at the title of the album. Middle of Nowhere. 'Whoa! Dajavue!' Kara thought. She watched the video. 'Wow this is too cool. Those guys are awesome. They sang this and they are only 11, 14, and 16?!?! ' she thought as she watched each brother take turns in "driving" the car. She was dissapointed when the video ended.

"I've GOT to ask my mom about this when she gets home tonight." Kara said excitedly. Then, it occured to her that maybe she should go up to her room and start her homework because her dad might yell at her for watching too much TV before her homework was done. She ran into the kitchen and grabbed a Dr. Pepper from the fridge. She popped it open and grabbed her stuff from downstairs and hauled it up to her room. She sprawled herself and her stuff across her queen size water bed w/blue and white checked comforter. She worked busily on her Algebra and English homework. She wondered why she still had homework during the last week of school. She guessed the teachers were too cruel to give them a break. She couldn't wait to get this year over with. 8th grade was SO boring. High school was a whole new experience she couldn't wait for. Most people, like herself, had already turned 14. Her birthday was March 14. She was happy to be older than most people in her grade, even though it was by a few months. Suddenly, she heard a car door slam. She hopped up and looked out the window. She saw her father step out of the car along with another man who looked similar to him except for he had glasses and a beard. She glanced into the mirror and straightened her shirt out, re- fixed her hair, reapplyed her mascara, and sprayed a bit of Dream from the Gap on. She knew her father probably had a buisness client with him and she didn't want to look dishevled and sweaty. It would embarass her father. She walked down the stairs to find the door to her father's study door open and the men sitting in leather trimmed chairs sipping ice water. She quietly knocked on the door. Gary Lambert looked up, startled. A smile spread across his face when he saw his daughter standing there. "Hello Kara. Kara this is my newest client, Walker Hanson. Walker, this is my daughter Kara." Mr. Lambert said cordially.

