Chapter 9
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Chapter 9

RIIIIINNNNNGGG!!! RRRIIIINNNGGG!! The telephone in the Hanson house jarred the silent atmosphere in Isaac, Taylor, and Zac's room. It stopped after the second ring. Isaac rolled over and opened one eye. His mom tiptoed into the room with a white cordless phone and tapped Ike's back.

"It's for you Ike." She whispered trying not to wake Zac and Tay.

"What time is it??"He mumbled.

"11 AM."She said patiently.

"Well, who is it??"Ike asked, halfway sitting up.

"It's Kara." Diana said and Ike snatched the phone out of her hand. She chuckled to herself as she left the room as she heard Isaac clear his throat and try to sound all macho.

"Hello" Ike said

"Hi Ike! This is Kara. You guys said to call you before we come over. So, I did."

"Oh yeah!! OK. You might wanna come over in like a hour cause Tay and Zac are still sleeping."

"Oh! I'm sorry did I wake you guys up." Kara asked apoligetically.

"No, no. We were planning on waking up this early anyways. Just come over in an hour and we'll get to meet your cousin."

"OK. Bye Ike!" Kara said

"Bye!" He hung up the phone and began to wake up his brothers. "Tay, Zac wake up!! Kara is coming over in and hour!!" Ike yelled.

Tay rolled over and rubbed his eyes."What???"

"I said, KARA IS COMING OVER IN ONE HOUR!!!!!" Ike yelled. That got up Zac and Tay. They rolled out of bed and walked downstairs. Meanwhile, Ike decided to get dressed first. He chose some baggy blue jeans anda gray t-shirt w/a green polo shirt unbuttoned over it. He put on his favorite cologne, Polo Sport by Ralph Lauren and walked downstairs to find Zac and Tay arguing over Pop Tarts.

"Tay, I want the strawberry pop tarts you can have the yucky chocolate ones. You know I don't like those." Zac complained.

"No Zac! I get the strawberry--" Tay began.

"Why don't you guys just split the strawberry one in half." Ike commented. Zac and Tay exchanged glances and did just that.

"Hey! Have you guys seen the notebook I had last night around here?" Ike said.

"Nope. Sorry man. Check in the closet in the den." Tay said busily munching on his Pop Tart. Ike walked into the den and sat down and tried to make up a new melody for the song that was in the notebook.

