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1999 Mid-Western Graduates

Congratulations to all of the 1999 Mid-Western Graduates!!!!!!

Soror Angela Okunsanya - Second Supreme Anti-Basileus
Soror Ndiya Nkongho - Undergraduate Member at Large
Soror Diamond Williams - Delta
Soror Andrea Wimberly - Delta
Soror Kimbily Heath - Delta
Soror Tracye Jones - Alpha Zeta
Soror Monica Patton - Alpha Zeta
Soror Carletta Magness - Alpha Zeta
Soror Courtney Jackson - Alpha Zeta
Soror Shatara Hall-Brown - Alpha Zeta
Soror Kimberly McWilliams - Alpha Zeta
Soror Courtney Minner - Alpha Zeta
Soror Erica Pippins - Alpha Zeta
Soror CarLisa Jackson - Alpha Zeta
Soror Holle' Hooks - Alpha Zeta
Soror Joetta Little - Alpha Zeta
Soror LaFrance Horn - Alpha Zeta
Soror Sheritta A. Collins - Gamma Beta
Soror Ava D. Morris - Gamma Beta
Soror Keisha D. Miller - Gamma Beta
Soror Yolanda Payne - Gamma Beta
Soror Queszarrah J. Bunch - Gamma Beta
Soror Mauri Carter - Delta Tau
Soror Elisabeth Jett - Delta Tau
Soror Charlaya Campbell - Delta Tau
Soror Aja Woods-Randall - Delta Tau
Soror Ciana Lofton - Delta Tau
Soror Toni Becton - Delta Tau
Soror Shontel McGee - Epsilon Alpha
Soror Natasha Wactor - Epsilon Alpha
Soror Shanice Evans - Theta Xi
Soror Patrece Hasty - Theta Xi
Soror Shellana Morris - Theta Xi
Soror Mistye Stewart - Theta Xi
Soror Aifyia Whitman - Theta Xi
Soror April Hummons - Eta Tau
Soror Leah Jolly - Eta Tau
Soror Christie Nick - Eta Tau
Soror Keisha Cox - Eta Tau
Soror Ingrid Roseborough - Eta Tau
Soror Melissa Kates - Kappa Pi
Soror Aris Word - Kappa Pi
Soror Sonja Bell - Kappa Psi
Soror Dana Kirk - Kappa Psi
Soror Mia Richie - Kappa Psi
Soror Michelle Salim - Kappa Psi
Soror Hannah Allam - Kappa Psi
Soror Consuela Johnson - Xi Delta
Soror Tasha M. Logan - Xi Eta
Soror April Griffith - General Member

Soror Yvette Barker, Alpha Upsilon Omega and Soror Carrie Cooks-Simpson, Upsilon Theta Omega, will receive their Masters degree this May.

Are you graduating in 1999? Please email us and let us know of your great accomplishments!!!! Please include the name of the institution you are graduating from, what your future plans entail, and a graduation picture.