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I bring you greetings from the Magnificent Mid-Western Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. I am Soror Brenda Lewis, Mid-Western Regional Director. I entered Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority through the Pi Chapter, Fisk University. After I received my degree from Fisk University, I moved to Langston, OK where I affiliated with the Alpha Upsilon Omega chapter. Currently I am employed by Langston University.

"Those who achieve success are those who take a dream and make it come true." In 1996, I approached the members of my chapter about my dream to become Mid-Western Regional Director. Due to their untiring support during the past few years, I have achieved that goal. Unique in the Mid-Western Region, Alpha Upsilon Omega comprises a large percentage of the faculty and staff at Langston University. So along with their support, love, devotion, and dedication, I received the support of the University as well as the support of the fifty members of Alpha Zeta Chapter. To them I will be forever grateful. My thanks are also extended to Soror Alberta, Sorors Dorthy (my Mother, Gardner, and Parker), Soror JoAnna, Soror Maxie, Sorors Simpson (Wessylyne and Lynne), Soror Wanda, Sorors Dean (Edna and Daria), Soror Jean, Soror Margie and Soror Armisha. It takes a supportive team to be successful and I want to ensure that my support team receives just as much credit for all the successes to come during the next few years.

Email: Soror Brenda at