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Dar be Dragon's Everywhere!!!!

I see you follow direction's very well. I am Drago. Welcome to my world. A strange but beautiful world to me. First I will start out with some poem's. Then on to my meager collection. If thier are any copyrighted dragons on this site please email me. These are public domain was my understanding. I take no credit for any of them. The only credit I take is my design of this site.

As One

Shadows slip over the land in silent waves a midst a darkening world.

Beneath stars turning on one by one, like black silver he moves across the skies.

Earth turns beneath his flight. Down below, a Child of the Earth waits, reaching through the great unseen, anchoring her soul to his.

Glittering stars nestle into the bed of night, over the shadowed form of a dragon's never-ending soar into the heavens, Child of Earth on his back.

Jewels shine in his eyes, stars which kept him company even as he searched the world for her. . .never turning back. . . Now they fly as one.

By: Jennifer Lynne Ellison

Dragon One Dragon Four
Dragon Five Dragon Six
Dragon Seven Dragon Eight
Dragon Nine Dragon Ten

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