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I made this Water Applet with a photograph I took of an Iris in my back yard about 22 years ago while I was taking a few courses in Photography. "lucky shot I say"!)

I have spent countless hours teaching myself to make these beautiful Lake Applet's " applet's and learning the language of "HTML's" on my own by merely researching and browsing the Internet. I have achieved what I have so far by mere trial and error, but with persistence and ignoring those who criticized me for spending too much time on my computer. Even my dog was resentful LOL..

My name is Audrey and I turned 70 years of age on April 7th. of 2011. I have a son and a daughter, Michael and Nathalie whom have blessed me with 4 beautiful grandchildren. (you might like to read my true story about my daughter Nathalie and our reunion after 33 years of separation)

I am single and live alone with my little yorkshire"Banjo". I worked as a Bar Maid most of my life and in Real Estate Administration for about 10 years. I am now retired and temporarily in boat brokerage. Years ago I was severally wounded in a relationship which took me to the cleaners both emotionally and financially. It's been a constant, steep hill to climb ever since. I later attempted another relationship and found out that there is no cure for my over giving nature and "Bingo" got hurt again. I was in this relationship for only 3 months. This Gentleman said the magic words I thought I needed to hear. It started out as a wonderful dream. He picked me up on this beautiful magic carpet and took me to his beautiful Sunsets. After helping him to clean up both of his homes (which were in such neglected condition) I was dumped off of what I thought was that wonderful magic carpet because his ex-girlfriend was crying to come back into his life. I simply asked him what he wanted to do about it and his response was "I DON'T KNOW..sooooo without hesitation I answered for him and left for home. I only wish to share the simple things in life with true trusting friends and companions. I like to dance. I like water particularly and the outdoors. I am very healthy and look younger than my age. I quit smoking 7 years ago. I had smoked since the age of 16 and was smoking over 1 and a half packs a day when I quit cold turkey. Fresh air and open spaces are my comfort zones. I enjoy being creative. I paint, (see my paintings here)
I would like to be able to share the little projects (and the large ones) with somebody who has a common sense of adventure and a good sense of humor. We are never too old to dream.

This is as open as I can be. I do not seek wealth or a free ride. All my life I would have been content with the simple things. I seek only confidence, the friendship and the warmth and honesty of a caring heart. A bit much huh!. I am a true be leaver in " Live And Let Live ". For the moment I am very content exploring the marvelous technologies and resources of the Internet while it carries me to many new friends and wonderful new places.

Photograph of me taken in January 2001