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Everyday Death Sentence by the CMC's - LYRICS
artist: THE CMC'S

(Daddy Free):
i was taught, never put trust in a young man
cuz if you let him live then he'll try to take a stand
take command of the whole show
but no its not so, so i put him on deathrow
i crucify my flesh daily
cuz if i dont then my flesh'll try to slay me
a try to slay me kill the wrong guy
wack ships so mud, objection is murder (??)
on the third degree, and thats the word for me
i pull the plug on his cardiac emergency
you might think its ill G
but if i dont kill my flesh then my flesh'll try to kill me
so i just kill and kill and kill and kill again
no mercy put my flesh in the herse its not my friend
so if you want to lock me up im guilty as i present this
its an everyday death sentence

murder one in the morning when i wake up shake up
i pray to break up any plan the devil will make up
i bails at the flesh cuz see the noose is fixed
Christ is alive and my flesh is on a crucifix
but the flesh is like a Terminator, why?
i kill him once but he comes back like Arnold Schwartzeneggar
like when i thought he was back in the dust
he tried to stab me in the back with a knife full of lust
so i let 2 fly
First Corinthians 6:18', Proverb 5 and 5''
this time im makin sure i take him out
as he bails to the ground i grab my sword and gouge his eyes out
pull out his tongue with James 3 verse 1'''
every chapter every verse
back in the hearse it go
if it rise up to sin im gone do it again and again and again
cuz its an everyday death sentence

everyday, everyday, everyday death sentence
everyday, everyday, everyday death sentence

(Daddy Free):
my spirit man is alive
and for my spirit to live flesh has to die
cuz it'll be a straight conflict
my spirit wants to do right, my flesh wants to trip out, and get out
the grave that i paved and buried him in
quick fast in a hurry to sin you see, my flesh is in the clique
he's cornered on and hes tied up in sin devil wickedness
like lust, fornication that results in the jealousy,
sorcery, idolatry, immorality,
fighting, backbiting, being mean
like Galations 5:19''''
and its in, the wages of sin, equals death
so i really have no other choice left
i denied him, crucifed him, blind side him
tied him up and choked him up i snuffed him
plea for mercy, i continued to hit him
till i destroyed his deeds and everything that came with em
the next day he tried to make me sin, but no win
cuz im gone pray to kill him again
went on a fast, no juice no bread
gillotene to the head, ten seconds before he's dead
dont trip up, im not a menace
this aint a one time thing its an everyday death sentence

in jail, for murder one homocide
you killed somebody no i killed my pride
cuz thats when the flesh homies
you tried to make me feel like im the one and only like Sony
yeah years did the finest on my ego
yeah boy you've been dope since your fetal stages
why dont you write pages and pages of dope rhymes
and bust lyrics like gauges, rock stages
he tried to make me arrogant like some of yall
but its a set up, cuz pride come before the fall
its a struggle, so Giz aint givin in
im dealing Monday and Tuesday but still he want to live again
cry from flesh so it want recognition
so i beat him down in humble submission
i grab pride by the neck i and slung him
before the Cross of Calvary i grabbed the rope and hung him
Christ is only lifted up, so i dont resent this event, or repent
this is an everyday death sentence
oh God i got a life time bid
i confess i killed the flesh and oh yes im glad i did
now im D E A D, and its He who lives in me
and guilty is how i plea
and its a everyday death sentence

everyday, everyday, everyday death sentence
everyday, everyday, everyday death sentence


' I Corinthians 6:18
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body;
but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

'' Proverbs 5:5
Her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell.

''' James 3:1
My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall recieve the greater

'''' Galations 5:19
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery,
fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

