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My card section

My card section

Welcome to the hockey cards section! This is a place where you can trade cards with me so take a look!

I collect only Jaromir Jagr cards but sometimes I will exchange stuff for commons to complet my sets or even some Paul Kariya cards for my friends! The list is here so you know what I have to trade and what I want. But I don't have much 'cause almost all my cards were recently traded for Jagrs.

Here is my wantlist, if you want to trade you will need to have a card that I need. But please don't ask me to buy cards at 30 $ or more because I am just a normal kid, well 13 years old, and sometimes I will except cards that aren't in my wantlist. I even put the prices on the cards so you don't have to look it up! But sometimes, during a trade, I will put the prices down for your advantage. Oh and, if you have any player in particular that you collect, please let me know and we could have an easy deal ( but the Jagrs that I have to trade or sale, it's the only doubles that I have because I will NEVER trade my cards that I have only once but don't worry 'cause they are not listed below ).There isn't much because I trade for Jagrs and it's a big market. Sometimes the card that you want will already be gone so be quick and sharp!

Here is my saling or trading list ( there will be more ):

SETS ( for now! ):
