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This poem was given to me by a cousin in Fletcher, Oklahoma.

When God made Oklahoma,
I think He had some fun.
I think He used the leftovers,
When everything else was done.

When He finished the Painted Desert,
He still had lots of red.
So He brush stroked Oklahoma,
Painting land and river red.

When God created mountains,
A pile of stones in His hand,
Were stacked in Oklahoma,
Making the Arbuckle and Wichita band

When God built large rain forests,
In Arkansas, and so,
He had so many extra seeds,
Well, where should the rest go?

So He threw them in a band of green,
As thick as one can see.
The Ouachitas and Ozark Plateau
Are filled with many a tree.

When the rivers of many nations,
And creeks of many states,
were finished, He just pushed the rest,
Into-- you guessed the place.

With help He took the Kansas wheat,
And cotton from the South,
Then oil from Texas fields,
Plus peanuts for one's mouth.

And put them into Oklahoma,
With surprises everywhere.
No boring sameness of terrain,
But pot-luck landscape where --

People of many colors,
Live on red earth land,
Harvesting golden wheat fields,
And tilling with tool or hand.

And when God finished this project,
After all His creative fun,
I'm sure He grinned in satisfaction,
And commented "Well done."

Written by
Helen C. Coon of Cordell, OK

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