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S H A K E R'S H O T L I N K S !  "MSNBC - CIH virus nearly infects thousands" 7/27/98  "Windows Downloads here is a list of all sorts of stuff" 7/24/98  "MSNBC - Virus can overwrite BIOS, kill data" 7/23/98  "Weather Analysis and Display Software" 7/20/98  "select your area then add it to yer fav's" 7/15/98  "get it quick big companys will not keep it here long now i can hear ya's play" 7/13/98  "Get with what's up on Mars" 7/8/98  For your Direct Software Solutions 6/26/98  "look at xcavator" 6/23/98,160,0-36823-g,00.html  "try at yer own risk......I am" 6/15/98