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Poet on a Small Island

                   Oct.4, 1998
  I stood on Battersea Bridge in blustery air
  and viewed a `Bungie-Jump` where, 
  below a crane, a crowd, massed deep and wide,
  allowed a volunteer his chance at suicide.
  Who would be dull of wit (I was not one)
  and turn aside to disregard such fun?
  A sight so touching I was moved to say
  "My god - the fool is going to have his way
  and launch his body into tethered flight -
  a rubber string on human `kite`!"
  No Labyrinth by this Thames-bank
  or Daedalus with Icarus in the Maze.
  No vengeful Minos, no Ariadne 
  helping Theseus flee into the night;
  Simply an autumn day in London,
  where I saw a man in flight.

(c) john holt  1998-10-13


              The weirdest kid I ever knew
              Was Henry James Bartholomew
              He wasn't big, he wasn't small -
              he kind of made himself `look` tall.

              And somehow, in the strangest way,
              he just `looked` clever - day-by-day.
              The teachers never seemed to ask
              how HJB had done his task,
              he simply `looked` as if he had
              and this just left them feeling glad.
              Because he `looked` so very bright
              they called him "The School's Leading Light" 
                      (it was so weird and I recall
                      he *never* seemed to work at all).
              What of Assignments - Projects too?
              I never saw them (yeah - it's true!),
              and as for Graduation Day
              he got top prizes - all the way!
              And when he left they placed his name
              Upon the College Board of Fame.
              Much later, when I was at Yale,
              I told some guys this scary tale.

              "The weirdest kid I ever knew
               was "Henry James Bartholomew"
                        and then they said
                       `We knew him too`..........

                          DARK TIME
                     Some moments steal
                     the darkest side
                             of thoughts and dreams
                             and make them hide
                             in places where 
                             they should not be,
                     in chasms where,
                     it seems to me,
                     lurk other things 
                     I should not see.
                             The eyes I wear
                             throughout this time
                             are but a window
                             to my mind 
                     as I peer out through
                     shuttered blinds.
                             I am not gone -
                             but deep in there
                                     are things I know
                                     I cannot share......

(c)john holt 10-11-1998

                      Love is Electric  

                   You arrive  
                   like a cool breeze,  
                   around my head.  
                          I read your words  
                          and imagine  
                          sensual side -  
                   that inner part
                   you hide  
                   to protect yourself.  
                   from strangers  
                   like me.  
                           even though  
                           you do  
                           I understand  

                   and hold  
                   a picture  
                   of you  
                   in my mind.  
                           And in time -  
                           how do I  
                           I will not fall  
                           for you  
                           in some strange way  
                           I loved your words?  
                   you might  
                   build a bridge  
                   to my heart  
                   and never  
                   be aware  
                   you did so.      
                           In my thoughts
                           I can dream
                           of how you  
                           or sound,  
                           or smell.  
                   Perhaps you  
                   have the  
                   rich perfume  
                   of Summer about you  
                   on your skin,  
                           or the  
                           heady scent   
                           of Spring days?  
                   But maybe  
                   you are  
                   Winter`s child?  
                   Strong and beautiful,  
                   all ice  
                   and frost  
                   on the outside,  
                   for fire and heat  
                   to melt  
                   winter coating?  
                           I do not know -  
                           -but I imagine  
                           you are  
                           all these things  
                           and I must be  
                           this imagination...  

(c)John Holt 06-15-98

                          Living Flame 

               It was your mind which first attracted me,  
               Your thoughts and words with all their clarity  

               I did not have a picture of your face  
               Yet fell in love with you in Time & Space  

               And oh! the ecstasy inside that `frame`.  
               You were my opium and my living flame.  

               Can Love survive if Lovers never meet? 
               I cannot tell - but know our moment         
               was *so* sweet.....  

(c)John Holt 1998

                   HOUSE OF WORDS

        So many words to build before I sleep tonight.  
        Outside the stars in coal-sack sky blaze down
        and watch me stacking words from left to right
        heedless of my reddened eyes and worried frown.

        Each one I  place upon an empty page,
        Terror, sadness, romance, humor, rage.
        In serried rows  the  lines which I demand
        fall in and represent the feelings I command.

        Stack upon stack they fill the empty space,
        like friends around me calling at my place.
        Long hours my fingers tapping out a theme
        on keyboard, building up another dream.

        I dare not stop as  ideas start to flow at last,
        I   make a row of  words and plant them fast
        before the theme runs dry or I am caught
        in paradox, replacing my eclectic thought.

        Ah! Now it`s done, and though the hour is late
        I built my house of words and finished at 3.48

          (c)john holt 02-nov.1998. 03:48am


                 COPY - RIGHT?

        I copyright myself through genes
        in dna but now, it seems,
        if I leave cells upon a door
        the government will make some more.

        They keep their agents on our trains
        and anyone with any brains 
        can see them as they scrape away
        just by the exit - any day. 

        This bothers me (I am _my own!)
        what happens if I meet a clone
        that says `I`m you - you`re not alone.

        The government ran out of sheep
        and copied you so now they keep
        the right to replicate and scan
        your doubles as we walk the land`

        Now every night at twelve o clock
        I wake up in a trembling shock
        and search my body for the sight
        of "federal government copyright".

        I sit and think with worried mind
        of all the things that I might find -

        Will I get blamed if all those mees
        start hitting towns & climbing trees?
        and husbands call me on the phone
        to shout `Just leave my wife alone!
        You are the kind of guy I hate,
        philandering in every State!`

        Will every police force in the land
        hold files on me with

               `This guy`s banned
                he has no rights
                he hates all sheep
                (he gets in fights)` ? 

        What can I do to prove that I
        own copyright on me til I die?
        How do I go about mailing me
        to Library of Congress @ D.C. ?

        I`m losing touch with what I own,
        Is ma my mom or was I grown?
        Did you write this or are you me?

        -I own your copyright you see.....

  (c)john holt 01-nov-1998 (not assigned to clones)

                 Chasing Velvet

                my beloved,
                let me touch,
                those parts
                I love so much

                        and let my
                        gentle hands
                        venus mound
                        your clothes.

                Now I stiffen,
                as I glide,
                along the
                deep inside,

                        while you
                        eager lips
                        and tightly
                        your willing

                and we cry out
                thrusting so,
                releasing all

(c)John Holt 06-18-98

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