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- Poet on a Small Island MAINE ESCAPE Daughter fidgets. pushing plate around the tray. Mother sits head in hands convincing herself he won't find them. Safe now! Maine was eleven hours ago. Six months planning. Savings & Loan -emptied. Rainy-Day a/c -cleared. Tracks covered. No checks. No plastic trail. Cash transactions. Mistake? Cash gets looks - goes against the culture. Doesn't smell the same as check or credit cards. Rural gas-jockeys raise eyebrows at dollar bills. "Don't git too many of these lady, sure y`don`t hev plastic?" Daughter tugs her arm. Same question each time: "Where're we goin` mommy?" Mom whispers "Somewhere safe honey" (please God...somewhere safe Message From A Stranger You don`t know me and you shouldn`t care what I say. I am not really here except in words across your screen. Yet, I recall my eighteenth year a time of change when I rearranged my life. Like you, now, I also enjoyed the day but underneath my `jaunty pose`, deep down, an embryo fear cloyed, whittling away, whittling away. The Past` dragged its anchor in a cozy warming sea, becalmed I could have lain forever in known security. I took my risks, maybe they took me and I set off by chance weaving across uncertainty trying to learn steps to a dance I`d never heard. Standing on toes along the route struggling to be seen among a herd of other dancers, Whizz-Kids, No-Hopers Posers, Chancers. Look, I don`t pretend I can give you any real advice. I can only comment `Old head on young shoulders` is the vice you should avoid. Everything else I say, from my experience, might look like cliche taking the gold off the birthday wishes I`m trying to send. Ok. make a list; Keep hope and faith. Keep humor. Be shrewd. Maybe you heard some rumor that Patience and Tolerance are weak things Untrue. Keep both of them! they define you - throwing them out will undermine you as a human being. Sorry, its all or nothing on these two there is no `in between` Now there are other things I don`t put on this list. They`ll attach themselves creeping under the positive stuff but what I`m saying is you got enough of a start to fight them off, reduce them to the size of a flea. In that way they can`t do too much damage - see? One of them`s called Cynicism. He could be a shield against some things but a TOTAL take over from this little bug will freeze your heart pull the rug of innocence from under your feet, snatch the way you feel and reduce it to `hard fact`. You`ll be `dead` meat` if this guy makes you a major player in his act You`ll need to control him use him as your tool He`s there only because sometime in your life someone will try to make a fool of you. Cynicism feeds on such experience. Just be sure you call the shots when you use him and then after that put the sucker right back into his box - lose him until its right to bring him out again - but only as a counter to balance some small pain. Right - this was supposed to be all about you and maybe I got carried away like some latter day saint (which I assure you I ain`t!) But if I`ve given you something to ponder before you take that walk out there, yonder, having fun, then maybe I`ve done something useful for a change. Now go for it! It`s your eighteenth birthday. Lots of promise ahead of you, none of it should be missed - but promise me something? always carry that list... (C) John Holt 07-24-98 In Memory Of Frank Sinatra Tell the birds to stop their chatter - Stop their music, stop their song Tell the wind it doesn't matter - All is silent, Frankie`s gone. All the days I can remember, And my parents thought so too, The Voice was like a burning ember and the eyes were brightest blue. Songs for lovers, songs for sadness Lyrics spun from finest gold Songs for blues and boozy gladness Sung for lovers - young and old. Now, today, there is a silence And the Singer of the Song Leaves us with Old Blue Eyes` memories And our tears - for Frankie`s gone...... © John Holt 15-May-1998

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