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Poetry by jonjb


I sit in the living room of my New England home;
Reading a journal.
And before me sits a most exquisite visitor,
His coat is of the deepest black; this coat he dares not take off.

Ah, friend! If you could only see his eyes.
Those green eyes which reflect his thoughts.
They could only be cat thoughts.
Thoughts which hearken back to ancient Aegyptus and the Sphinx.
Mysterious Aegypt; mysterious visitor.

Now he has finished cleaning his coat
And is looking up into my eyes.
And I look into his eyes.
And I learn all about the mysteries of ancient Aegypt
And of the CAT.


When she wants affection, she reaches up with a dainty paw,
Pearl-like claws invisible.
A guttural "mew" escapes from her mouth.

Her fur is like velvet and silk,
Long, sleek body like a large spring.
A great motor rumbles beneath my hand as I pet her.

She regards me with golden eyes;
Pupils dark, like bottomless wells.
Content, she sits in my lap,
Occasionally, she licks her limbs and my hand
With her warm, pink tongue.

Without any arguments or questions,
Promises or threats
She loves me,
As only a pet could love her caretaker.


Flowers open their
Mouths to the sun, petals moist
With drops of spring rain.

Squirrels gather nuts
From the ground, chattering loud.
Their fluffy tails twitch.

Crows hunt for plump worms
Amongst blades of tall green grass,
Cawing raucously.

Storm clouds pass away.
The sun shines brightly above.
Birds twitter softly.

The wind whispers through
Leaf-laden trees, so they sway
Back and forth. Swish!

People come and go.
The hills and valleys remain.
It is we who change.

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