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The Battle

Drifting as a leaf down a river
Settling nowhere
Seeking solace from anywhere
Reaching out to mistaken kindness
Coldness seeps in, a shiver
Running down the spine, endless
Contemplating what is fair
Vulnerability in all its weakness

Landing here, landing there
Pit stops of a space in time
There is no reason or rhyme
Random acts done in futility
Should anyone care
of one person's ability?
It is but one ripple, a wind chime
Ringing with such simplicity

Not giving in, going on
Tidal waves pounding, heart beating
Faces seen, strikingly fleeting
Emotions running together, a melting pot
Can this endeavor of life be won?
Would it be worth it or not?
Should a chance meeting
make this war worthwhile to be fought?

Creeping vines in a mad race
Never settling, always rising
Enfolding, hugging and chastising
Breaking away, once again free
Never to be held down by lace
Fighting each struggle haphazardly
Always fantasizing

No time to stop or to rest
Searching in faces with no expressions
The battle continues with confessions
Stoking embers in a raging fire
No winners here, one ongoing quet
Endless sea of sadness in a perpetual mire
Searching for concessions
in an everlasting test

Looking in wonderment all around
Foraging for answers, high and low
Meeting in the middle, friend or foe
A pause in the melodious uproar
Creeping on past without a sound
Leaving but a space open of that door
Wanting yet unwilling to really know
The truth, what it is all for

Passages to one or another place
Well worn paths proofs of a past
Shadows having been cast
Smothering, yet curious
Footsteps keeping pace
fast and furious
imprinted to last
perhaps forever, shining, glorious

All alone yet forever bound
Emotions tying bits and pieces
This war never ceases
Seeking understanding to feel alive
Regardless if it is found
Continuing to strive
Signed, seal and delivered leases
All living in order to thrive

Every heart beating against the clock
Yet slowly being enfolded by it
Finding balance against the urge to quit
Racing against time to make that mark
Shepherds tending their flock
The fire always needing the spark
No time to wander nor sit
No time to consider what is bleak and stark

Committed to writing hence all is not lost
Words flowing at the push of a lever
To be written forever
A calmness in the midst of the storm
Relief no matter the cost
Perceptions, no matter the form
Whether it be drivel or clever
Ensuing struggle against the norm

Copyright 6/7/98 Kim Charette
aka Zoozappy

E Mail the Poet

Looking Glass

by Clair Lewis
a/k/a grandmabunny
Teledon's Mrs.

little birds that take flight
shining stars glow so bright
lustrous leaves in the trees
floating voices in the breeze
singing songs attuned to love
coming from the sky above

here on earth I sit and ponder
viewing all of life`s deep wonder
growing old and keeping pace
slowing down is taking place
knowing not whats in the end
enjoying moments with a friend.

oh, the voices inside querry
making daily living dreary
speaking truths can make me sad
choices learned are not so bad
saying what is on my mind
wanting not to be unkind.

noises in my head
filling me with dread
caring not what they say
knowing they will not stay
finding my soul with great fear
needing solace to feel clear.

and so I walk on down the road
sitting in the thoughts I sowed
looking into empty space
beating heart and grimaced face
searching for another chance
giving into lifes romance

oh, the places I have been
grieving from that spot within
thinking of my dreams lost
wondering what the cost
chafing at my very soul
watching as I grow old

vanity does have its place
taking up empty space
I hurt self with my pride
finding bruises I can`t hide
feeling guilt and placing blame
bearing feelings of great shame

sleeping in my bed at night
praying about my daily plight
acting on each small lesson
needing not true confession
wondering why I feel tested
feeling grateful as I nested

throwing away the old rules
finding peace like simple fools
looking in a shining glass
seeing time as it does pass
knowing it is a special hour
I have found my Higher Power.


I Am A Spiritual Being Having A Human Experience...

E Mail the Poet

Universal Voyage of Tribal

On the first pathway
Tribal existed
with no beginning or end.

Suddenly a new pathway
in the limited vastness;
and with a single purpose,
Tribal lunged forth
not knowing
whether drawn by an unknown
from without or within.

Immediacy was a new
and compelling presence,
more expressive than all
that lay within.

Tribal took charge;
and stumbling
against obstacles,
rushed eagerly,
toward a sensed goal.

Halfway aware of escape,
only slightly aware of adventure
and growing fully
on the unknown,
rushed Tribal.

the long journey ended
after a moment
or an eternity;
and Tribal rested
in a new city.

There Tribal met another
who had come
by another road.

One who had waited
in the city to welcome
and receive Tribal.

It was enough
to be together
after the journeys.

They did not communicate;
just remained
and grew together.

as they grew
they began to sense
the atmosphere of the place.

They drank in the sweetness
in some quarters
and the sour loathsomeness
in others.

Engulfed by these
they attempted
to engulf them in return,
and drunk with
the effort,
they moved as one.

Moving about in the city
they found
restaurants of sensation
to consume;
and became known
in the city
as tribal,
The Eater of Life.

a day came when
Tribal had eaten
of all the tastes
in the city.

An urge arose,
an old forgotten

Tribal moved
and felt the movement taking
a different direction.

down a new avenue
in the once-familiar

At the end of the avenue
there was a new

Tribal heard a new kind
of music;
not the heavy
hollow beating
and indistinct sounds
that were hardly heard
but felt
in the city
of Oval,
but newer
clearer sounds

. Tribal began to feel
the desire
to participate
in the new song.

A voice,
unfamiliar and strong
soared forth
from Tribal
with only the thought.

The sound was clear
but not like other sounds.

There was a great light
that appeared
in the city.

Tribal discovered
that things could
be seen
and felt.

The unfolding
was a source of
to Tribal.

was sometimes
sometimes frustrating.

The new cafe
was a place
where tribal
often returned
for security
in the
always changing

The city seemed to grow
each day
with newcomers

The cafe was there
and when
Tribal felt most alone,
the cafe could be

Overwhelmed with
the vast newness
and the ever-changing
Tribal learned
some of the ways
of the city.

When the day came
that the cafe closed
Tribal was able
to move on
to new experiences.

Materials were available
to build a cafe.
with the help of others
the work was done.

The Proprietor
of the old cafe stayed
offering help and advice.

Tribal learned to use a map;
and make journeys to other cities.

Tribal became a proprietor
and offered assistance
to others.
Realizing the value
of Proprietors,
Tribal planned
to build a nation
of Proprietors.

Linked with the strength
and knowledge of others
Tribal stood ready
for a birth.

Copyright 1998 Don J Carlson

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