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Last Week

Last Week's Rant:
November 1st, 2004
Ministry - Taking Advantage of 'Unsuitable' People

So let me fill you in on the situation which brings me to a rant for this week. I'm in my fourth year of university and live in a house with 5 other girls. All of us are Christians and are involved in one of the on-campus Christian groups here. Although I enjoy the group and feel that the majority of the activities are great opportunities for outreach to others, there is one aspect that I have had a problem with all along.

The ministry puts a great emphasis on what they call "sharing". It's a buzz-word that immediately portrays meaning to any person involved. It is, in a nutshell, walking up to random people on campus and asking them to talk about God, after which you proceed to pull out one of several prepared tracts and walk the person through the tract. As well, each time you go "sharing", there is a sheet to fill out with your statistics: how many people you talked to, how many tracts you handed out, et cetera.

Now I personally prefer a relational approach to the gospel; that is, getting to know someone, leading by example, and putting the occasional plug in for God, without ever forcing the issue. I'll be completely honest and upfront with anyone who wants to know more about my faith, and I make that known. So I feel that I have valid reasons for preferring not to go "sharing".

Now here comes the interesting part and the basis for my rant. My roommates are all heavily involved in the ministry, including the sharing aspect, and they seem to feel that because I do not go "sharing", I'm somehow not good enough spiritually to be a part of anything that MATTERS in the ministry. I say it that way because, apparently, I'm still good enough to do behind the scenes organizational work, like cooking, cleaning, or driving equipment, but I'm not spiritual enough to be in leadership. Never mind that I'm from a churched background like the rest of them. Never mind that I led a bible study in second year endorsed by this ministry. Never mind that I spent a whole year doing damage control with my Muslim friend after some random "sharing" Christian told her that her dad was going to hell. Not that I don't believe this to be true, but come ON! There have to be better ways to explain God! Because I'm not "with the vision", I can't do the jobs that matter. Of course, someone has to drive equipment...and I have a apparently, I'm suitable enough for that.

I want to see God work, but I'm beginning to resent this ministry. Why don't they realize that there may be different ways that God can use me? I don't have to go sharing to be an effective Christian!

It feels good to get this out. I don't want to hang on to this and have my attitude reflect my grudge. I just wish there was a Christian ministry on campus that understood that there are different ways to tell people about God!

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