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The German Afrika Korps The German Afrika Korps Website, Copyright Justin Prince

Hello guys! Sorry I haven't updated in God knows when, but more is coming. Finally, I have tracked down a favorite Afrika Korps vocal song, not a march, but the music the soldaten liked, Lili Marleen! So check it out on the songs page! Also, finally, more info we be posted soon! Lots to come!

Welcome to the German Afrika Korps site. Feel free to explore this site, which details one of the most famous fighting units of military history (Of course, by Afrika Korps, I also refer to Panzer Armee Afrika, and Panzergruppe Afrika). Or maybe you would like to learn more about its most famous commander, Erwin Rommel. Whatever you would like, feel free to explore, make comments, or just have fun. Yes, that song in the back ground is a Panzer March. No, I am not a Neo-Nazi, but it adds authenticity to the site. New! Go to the page lists, a new page added!

NOTE: This site is under major, major reconstruction and reworking! NOTE!

What's New?

I finally got off my butt and made an Italian Campaign for West Front! Go get it on my scenarios page! Added a new feature. A poll concerning the DAK or North Africa, with a new question every 10 days! And, even more new, the New Message Board! I used to have an old one, PanzerWaffe messages, but it was never used. Now, I am trying it again. Post any topic you want dealing with WW2, modern issues, etc.
Thanks for voting!

Sadly, as there has been no interest in the new West Front Campaign, the idea has been dropped. At present, I am doing campaigns and scenarions for Great Naval Battles 4, which I may post on this site. If interest somehow arises again for a WF campaign, I will do it again.

The Site

Erwin Rommel in WWII
Vehicles of the Afrika Korps
1941 : the Rise of Victory-UNDER COMSTRUCTION!!!!
1942- 43: Victory Until Defeat(Coming soon!!!)
The DAK Message Board.

WW2 Wargame Scenarios! NEW Scenario Added 5/27/00! Campaign added 6/18/00, updated on the 26th!

Have a scenarios idea? Want me to put a scenario of yours up here? Well go on then, send it to me! Put ideas in the guestbook or my mail. Send any ideas to

Download Marches of the German Army!

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Last updated January 14, 2001.


owned by Justin Prince.
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Favorite Links

Achtung Panzer!-Every thing about Panzers!
GHQ Models-Military and Railroad, perfect for wargaming!
Panzer Elite Development Group- I work for them.
The Western Front- Great German Memorabilia!
Through Rommel's Eyes- VERY informative