So... what is a Nields?
The Nields are a beautiful band. They consist of Nerissa, Katryna, David, Dave, and (you guessed it) Dave. Three Nields, three Daves, five people, wonderful music. They are so much fun, as anyone named Nicholas Ridiculous might tell you. I've seen them live twice, and both were incredible experiences. I have a few of their albums. Listening to them in the car has converted quite a few of my friends into Nields fans-- because their music is that good. Don't believe me? Buy Play, their newest album. It's incredible, it'll knock your socks off.

Listen to the sound clip, taken from the Nields official homepage. (Go there, it's fabulous.) The clip does not even slightly do them justice. It's from one of my favorites, "Fountain of Youth", from the album Gotta Get Over Greta.

If that's not nieldsy enough for you, check out anyone on the Nields webring, you can get there from the webring logo where I keep my webrings.

the Nields!

to the batcave, robin!
come to my window