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Who is this guy, anyway?

I'll be honest -- I am not terribly comfortable writing about myself. In fact, for me the worst thing about job interviews has always been trying to sell myself. My father was the salesman of the family. I am not.

However, since you evidently were interested enough in me to reach this page, I should probably work to satisfy your curiosity. Besides, as with most writers, my mild exterior hides a well-fed ego.

To start off, I am a thirtysomething father of two beautiful girls. My wife and I have been married for sixteen wonderful, eventful, and challenging years.

During the day, I can be found editing documents and updating web pages for the Agricultural Communications Department at Oklahoma State University.

I also work two evenings each week as an adjunct instructor of English at Oklahoma City Community College, where I teach Freshman Composition (and whatever else needs to be taught that semester). This is quite a fun job. My students run the gamut from fresh-out-of-high-school teenagers to parents, retirees, and veterans. It's always a challenge trying to teach essential college-level skills to such a diverse group. (And believe me -- in college, composition is an essential skill.)

I hold a Master of Arts degree from the University of Central Oklahoma. My major area of study was English, with an emphasis in creative writing. My first novel, Covenant with the Beast, actually began life as my master's thesis. I do still try to write, and I have several short stories in the works, as well as a science fiction novel that I hope to complete sometime before I die. (That was a joke. Actually, I have so many things to do, I can't afford to die. Not for a long, long time.)

And speaking of not dying, my family and I are Christians whose desire is to serve the Lord in all that we do. I have outlined the basic tenents of our faith here.

Now, having said that, I should also warn you that my interests are rather eclectic and include things like computers, the Internet, drums, science, and reading and writing things other than Christian self-help books. So if you are a Christian cruising this web site under the mistaken impression that every hyperlink will lead to something Christian in nature, consider yourself forewarned. (Nothing on this site will be offensive in the most common sense of the word, but some people -- especially the very religious -- get rather sensitive when their expectations are not met.)

