Cece's Stats
Vital Statistics
Occupation: Actress.
Birthday: June 15, 1964
Birthplace: Birmingham, Alabama
Parents: Richard and Courteney Cox(divorced)
Education: Graduated from Mountain Brook High School, Mount Vernon College
Current home: Brentwood, California.
Marital status: Married to David Arquette
Present Transportation: 911 Porcshe Carrera and a Jaguar
Working on: Friends
Current Movie Projects: Alien Love Triengle, The Shrink Is In
Favorite pigout food: Bits O' Honey and cookie dough
Favorite way to kill time: Build houses
Personal heroes: Michael Landon
I'm better than anyone else when it comes to: Giving advice
I'd give anything to meet: Barbra Streisand
My fantasy is: My "dream" day
The one thing I can't stand is: People who stare and make a big deal out of who I am
If I could change one thing about myself, I would: Fear of commitment
The price I've paid for my success: A lot of hurt and rejection
If I weren't an actress, I'd be: An architect
Major accomplishment: Getting my career started.
Email: swttooth@bluenet.net