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Gannon University hosted international night on March 24, 2001.
Representative students of many countries presented performances and food of their countries
(mouseover each of the pictures below for details)

Irfan with friends Pakistani food: Chicken, Halwa, Dahi Barhay Pakistani team Greek Dance Performance
Deeply involved in dances !! Greek performers General view Another snap shot !!
Colorful flags !! The hall was all full Paki Gang Dr. Torab with Dr. Yasilderik
Another shot.. Pakistani gang - again M. Pervaiz with Paki gang Jamaican Dance -- wooh
STYLE -- hah Cool...isn't it? Nice shot!! Another cool picture
THREE Smart ones ;-) Hmmm....nope Bajwa strikes again!!

Pakistan contingent: Faisal, Ahmed, Soban, Imran, Irfan, Ali, Shiraz, Babar, Wasif, M. Pervaiz