Courses offered by the Faculty of Electronic Engineering

Definition of Credit Hour: One credit hour for the theory lectures means one hour classroom session a week. Three hours of lab work per week contribute one credit for the course. The breakup given in the courses below is as (lecture credits - lab credit hours - total credits).

Credits requirement for graduation: The total credit requirements for a B. S. degree in Electronic Engineering is 134 semester-credit hours. The breakup is as follows: General education requirement: 51 credits; Core requirement: 65 credits; Electives: 18 credits.

EE211 Circuit Analysis I (3-3-4)

System of units, circuit elements and variables, resistive circuits, techniques of circuit analysis, operational amplifiers, network topology, inductors and capacitors, response of first order RL and RC circuits, natural and step response of RLC circuits, sinusoidal and complex forcing functions, phasors

Text Book: Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis by J. David Irwin, 4/e

Macmillan Publishing Company

ISBN 0-02-359891-3

Prerequisite: MT101

Corequisite: MT201


EE212 Circuit Analysis II (3-3-4)

Steady-state power analysis, polyphase circuits, magnetically coupled networks, frequency characteristics, resonant circuits, two-port networks, Laplace transform, application of Laplace transform to circuit analysis, Fourier analysis techniques

Text Book: Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis by J. David Irwin, 4/e

Macmillan Publishing Company

ISBN 0-02-359891-3

Prerequisite: EE211


EE221 Logic Design (3-3-4)

Number systems, number base conversions, binary codes, binary relations, boolean algebra, logic gates, map method, tabulation method, combinational logic, sequential logic, programmable logic devices, latches, flip-flops, binary adders, subtractors, decoders, multiplexers, counters, shift registers

Text Book: Digital Logic and Computer Design by M. Morris Mano

Prentice Hall International

ISBN 0-87692-417-6

Prerequisite: None


EE222 Computer Architecture (3-3-4)

Introduction to microcomputer, microprocessor register and ALU design, control unit design, instruction cycle, memory types and Read/Write cycles, memory mapping, address decoding, address decoder design, interrupts, polling, I/O devices interfacing, DMA, bus arbitration, introduction to RISC architecture

Text Book: Computer Organization and Architecture by William Stallings, 3/e

Prentice Hall International

ISBN 0-13-230673-5

Prerequisites: CS101, EE221


EE231 Electronics I (3-3-4)

Introduction to Electronics, semiconductor diode, diode applications, bipolar junction transistor, transistor configurations, DC biasing, field-effect transistor, BJT and FET small signal equivalent circuit models, design of BJT and FET amplifiers, differential amplifiers

Text Book: Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by R. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky, 5/e

Prentice Hall International

ISBN 81-203-0806-9

Prerequisite: EE211


EE313 Electric Machines (3-3-4)

Introduction to machinery principles, fundamentals of electromechanical energy conversions, power electronics, electromechanical devices and systems, operational characteristics and equivalent circuits of transformers, DC and AC machinery fundamentals, analysis of different types of generators and motors and special purpose machines

Text Book: Electric Machinery Fundamentals by Stephen J. Chapman, 2/e


ISBN 0-07-100972-8

Electric Machinery, by A. E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley & S. D. Umans, 5/e

McGraw Hill

ISBN 0-07-707708-3

Prerequisite: EE211


EE323 Microprocessor Interfacing (3-3-4)

Introduction to 68000, software model, addressing modes, instruction set, assembly language programming, hardware model, Read/Write cycles, exception and interrupt processing, interfacing to ACIA, PIA, PI/T, DMA, A/D, D/A converters, introduction to microcontrollers

Text Book: Microprocessor Systems Design by Alan Clements

PWS Publishers

ISBN 0-87150-095-7

Prerequisite: EE222


EE332 Electronics II (2-3-3)

Voltage amplifiers, effect of source and load side impedance, cascaded amplifier system, frequency response of amplifiers, compound configurations, operational amplifiers and their applications, linear and mixed-mode IC’s (Comparators, D/A and A/D converters, Timer, VCO, PLL), feedback concepts, oscillator circuits, power amplification, types of power amplifiers and linear power supplies

Text Book: Microelectronics Circuits, by Sedra and Smith

Harcourt Brace College Publishers

ISBN 0-03-051648-X

Prerequisite: EE231


EE333 Solid State Electronics (3-0-3)

General concepts of semiconductors, carrier transport in semiconductors, basic structure of PN junction, Schottky barrier diode, PN JFET, MESFET, MOSFET, and BJT, carrier distribution, mathematical models and I-V characteristics of PN Junction, BJT, Schottky barrier diode, PN JFET, MESFET, MOSFET, and MODFET, C-V characteristics of MOSFET, frequency effects of semiconductor devices, small signal equivalent circuits, heterojunction materials

Text Book: Semiconductor Physics and Devices, by Donald A. Neamen


ISBN 0-256-08405-X

Solid State Electronic Devices, by Ben G. Streetman

Prentice Hall International

ISBN 0-13-436379-5

Prerequisites: PH102, EE231


EE341 Feed Back Control Systems (3-3-4)

Dynamic models, linearization and scaling, system response, block diagrams, time response specifications, numerical simulation, PID controller, steady state tracking, stability, root locus plots and compensation, Bode plots, Nyquist diagrams, frequency response compensation, Nicholas charts, state space equations, estimation and tracking, Lyapunov stability, digitization, z-transform, digital design and analysis and real world control system principles and examples. Computer aided design using MATLAB is used for above mentioned techniques as well

Text Book: Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, by Franklin, Powell and Emami, 3/e

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company

ISBN 0-201-52747-2

Using MATLAB to Analyze and Design Control Systems, by Leonard and Levine, 2/e

The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company

ISBN 0-8053-2193-4

Prerequisite: EE351


EE351 Signals & Systems (3-3-4)

Introduction to continuous and discrete time systems, analysis of continuous time (CT) systems using Fourier transforms, step response, impulse response, ideal and practical CT filters, sampling, analysis of discrete time (DT) systems, difference and differential equations, discrete time (DT) Fourier transform

Text Book: Signals and Systems, by Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky and Ian T. Young

Prentice Hall International

ISBN 0-13-811175-8

Lab for Signals and Systems using Matlab, by Stonick & Bradley

PWS Publishing Company

ISBN 0-534-93808-6

Prerequisite: EE212


EE352 Probability and Random Variables (3-0-3)

Probability, joint and conditional probability, Baye's theorem, random variable, distribution and density functions, the Gaussian random variable, transformation of a random variable, mutiple random variables, random processes, stationarity and independence, correlation and covariance, power spectral density. Note: This course may be substituted by ME201 (Engineering Statistics)

Text Book: Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes by Papoulis, 3/e


ISBN 0-07-048477-5

Prerequisite: MT102


EE371 Electromagnetics (3-0-3)

Static Electric field in dielectrics, steady electric currents, static magnetic field of steady electric currents, conductors and charged particles moving in static magnetic fields, static magnetic field of Ferromagnetic materials, field mapping by analytical, numerical, computer, and analog techniques, time changing electric and magnetic fields, Maxwell’s equations, uniform plane waves and wave polarization, waveguides

Text Book: Electromagnetics, by John D. Kraus, 4/e


ISBN 0-07-112666-X

Prerequisites: PH102, MT201

EE414 Power System Analysis (Elective) (3-0-3)

Representation of an electric power system, power system operation studies, load-flow studies, symmetrical components, balanced and unbalanced faults on power systems, power system stability

Text Book: Power System Analysis by Bergen

Prentice Hall International

ISBN 0-13-687864-4

Elements of Power System Analysis, by William D. Stevenson, 4/e

ISBN 0-07-Y66584-2

Prerequisite: EE313


EE415 Power System Protection & Control (Elective) (3-0-3)

Principles of circuit interruption, types of circuit breakers and switch-gears, SF6 power circuit breakers, power system transients and over-voltages, voltage control, power system control, control of reactive power and power factor, interconnected control and frequency ties, supervisory control

Text Book: Protective Relaying, by J. Lewis Blackman


ISBN 0-8247-7445

Power System Control and Stability, by Anderson & Fouad

Iowa State University Press

ISBN 0-8138-1245-3

Prerequisite: EE414


EE424 Introduction to ASIC Design (Elective) (3-0-3)

Introduction to Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC), design methodologies, design and implementation using FPGAs, design verification, digital design using hardware description language, libraries, utilities for high level description, dataflow description, timing and delays, modeling techniques.

Text Book: VHDL Analysis and Design of Digital Systems by Zainalabedin Navabi


ISBN 0-07-112732-1

VERILOG HDL by Palnitkar

Prentice Hall International

ISBN 0-13-451675-3

Prerequisites: CS101, EE221

EE434 Power Electronics (3-0-3)

Introduction to power electronics, power switching devices and circuits, rectifying circuits, single-phase and three-phase rectifiers, thyristors, commutation circuits, AC voltage controllers and stabilizers, DC o DC converters, single-phase and three-phase DC to AC inverters, industrial applications of power converters, DC and AC motor drives

Text Book: Power Electronics by M. H. Rashid, 2/e

Prentice Hall International

ISBN 0-13-571845-7

Principles of Power Electronics, by J. G. Kasssakian, M. F. Schlecht & G. C. Vergnese

Addison Wesley

ISBN 0-201-09689-7

Prerequisites: EE212, EE313, EE332


EE452 Digital Signal Processing (3-3-4)

Discrete-time signals, sampling theory, interpolation and decimation, discrete-time Fourier transform, z-transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Fast Fourier Transform, digital filter design techniques, practical IIR and FIR filter, finite word length effects, introduction to discrete stochastic process.

Text Book: Digital Signal Processing, by Oppenheim and Schaffer, 4/e

Prentice Hall International

ISBN 0-13-214107-801

Prerequisite: EE351


EE461 Communication Systems (3-3-4)

Signals and spectra, principles and types of communication systems, amplitude, frequency and phase modulation, single , double and vestigial side band transmission, TDM, FDM, base-band and band-pass concepts, digital communication systems, ASK, PSK, FSK, noise, channel capacity, spread spectrum communication.

Text Book: Digital and Analog Communication Systems, by Leon W. Couch, 4/e

Prentice Hall International

ISBN 0-13-571845-7

Prerequisite: EE351


EE462 Computer Communication and Networking (Elective) (3-0-3)

Introduction to computer networks, data encoding, error detection techniques, circuit, message and packet switching, routing, local and metropolitan area networks, open systems interconnection model.

Text Book: Data and Computer Communications, by William Stallings, 4/e

Prentice Hall International

ISBN 81-203-1019-5

Prerequisite: EE461


EE463 Satellite and Mobile Communications (Elective) (3-0-3)

Introduction to wireless communication, basic cellular concepts, adjacent and co-channel interference, trunking and grade of service, mobile radio propagation, large scale fading, small scale fading and multipath, multiple access techniques for wireless communications, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, hybrid spread spectrum techniques

Text Book: Wireless Communications, Principles and Practice, by Theodore S. Rappaport

Prentice Hall International

ISBN 0-13-375536-3

Prerequisites: EE351, EE371


EE464 Digital Image Processing (Elective) (3-3-4)

Sampling and quantization, image transforms, discrete cosine transform, image random models and prediction techniques, image restoration, image enhancement, image and video coding and compression, image understanding, image recognition, computer vision

Text Book: Digital Image Processing, by Gonzalez & Woods

Addison Wesley

ISBN 0-201-50803-6

Prerequisites: EE201, EE351, EE452

EE474 Microwave Engineering (Elective) (3-3-4)

Introduction to microwave engineering, scattering matrix, transmission line, coaxial cable, strip line, slot line reflection coefficient, standing wave ratio, smith chart, rectangular and circular wave-guide, cavity resonator, antenna radiation fields, antenna arrays, microwave devices, microwave monolithic integrated circuits (MMIC)

Text Book: Microwave Engineering: Passive, Active and Non-linear reciprocal circuits,

By Joseph Helph Helszajn

Mc-Graw Hill

ISBN 0-07-112641-4

Prerequisite: EE371


EE481 (A&B) Design project (0-18-6)

The aim of the course is to sharpen the skills of the electronic engineering students, by participating in projects, that are to be identified in collaboration with the industry. Every project will be assigned a faculty advisor. The students may work independently or jointly (in small groups) on these projects, The duration of the project is one full year. The progress will be monitored through interim reports and presentations. A final report will be due at the end of the term.


General Course Requirements

MT101 Calculus I

MT102 Calculus II

MT201 Differential Equations

PH101 Mechanics

PH102 Electricity & Magnetism

MM101 Introduction to Engineering Materials

MM102 Industrial Chemistry

ME101 Engineering Graphics

ME102 Workshop Practice

ME231 Thermodynamics


Humanities and Management Courses

HM101 English and Study Skills

HM102 Technical Report Writing

HM211 Islamic Studies

ME291 Engineering Economy

HM231 Sociology and Human Behavior

HM322 Ethical and Legal Dimensions of Engineering

ME492 Operations Management

ME494 Total Quality Management

ME495 Maintenance Management

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