Joseph Incandela about Paul William
I first became acquainted with Paul Scott when I assigned my students
at Saint Mary's College to write prisoners at death row. Many ended
up corresponding with Paul, who always very graciously addressed
their questions about what life was like on America's death rows.
My students describe Paul as a gentle spirit, and he in turn truly
loves them and appreciates their letters. Eventually, Paul wrote
directly to me and I wrote back.
It was my initiation into a maze
of substantial complexity which constitutes the events of his case.
It also served a true education about Paul's circumstances and the
reality of capital punishment in the United States. Since then, I've
become part of a truly worldwide effort to achieve justice for Paul
William Scott, who I firmly believe to be innocent of the crime for which
he was charged.
My primary teaching field is Catholic Chritian ethics. Within that
field, there is the concept of the "seemless garment" of life: namely
that all life is sacred, and all life has innate and
inherent human dignity as created in the image and likeness of God.
Even were Paul guilty of the crime for which he was charged, i would
oppose his execution. But that Paul is an innocent man facing execution
is a tragedy that cries out to the heavens for redress.
Joseph M. Incandela, Ph. D.
Chair & Associate Professor
Department of Religious Studies