Affidavit of Valerie Cooke, Paul's sister


I, VALERIE COOKE, being duly sworn or affirmed, do hereby depose and say:

1. My name is Valerie Cooke and I am Paul Scott's sister.
Our whole family has always called him by his nickname Bo.

2. I couldn't believe it when I heard that my brother had been arrested for this murder. Bo is not the kind of person to organize and carry out anything much less a murder like this. When he has gotten into trouble he was always tagging along with someone else and then would chicken out if it got rough.

3. After Bo got the death sentence, it seemed so unfair that I wrote a letter to Rick Kondian asking him what happened. He wrote back and admitted he was the killer but said he didn't want to incriminate himself. There is a copy of the letter he wrote to me attached to this affidavit. he also said he exaggerated to the judge because he was looking out for himself.

4. I know Bo never got a good defense from his trial attorney, Mr. Barrs. Mr. Barrs told me that he was an alcoholic but said that he had quit drinking. I think he said that this was his first case since he had quit drinking. Although he told me he had quit drinking, one night during the trial my brother saw him drinking the entire evening at the Holiday Inn lounge.

5. I don't think it is fair for Rick Kondian to be getting out soon and for Bo to be executed when Rick had admitted doing the killing and that Bo did not kill anyone and did not want to kill.


Valerie Cooke

Sworn and subscribed to before me this 25 day of October, 1990,