CRAIG Waters <> wrote:


> Mr. Kolkman:


> There are no executions currently planned in the State of Florida.


> Craig Waters

> Director of Public Information

> Supreme Court of Florida



> >>> Fred Kolkman <> 10/25 2:10 PM >>>

> Ede, the Netherlands October 25 1998


> Dear Sir,


> I write you about the planned execution of P.W. Scott.

> I beg mercy of you and pray ernestly that you will examine this case

> carefully.

> The death of a man with an IQ of 69 would be a shame especially when

> there is so much prove he didn't do what he is sentensed for.

> I get the feeling you use the way of the least resistance to burn him,

> what is easier then execute a person who doesn't quiet understand

> what's happening so you can say to your voters "see, we protect you by

> killing a murderer."

> My question in the name of justice is don't execute Paul William

> Scott, he is innocent.

> I thank you for your time and truly hope you will find the humanity to

> let this man life.


> Fred Kolkman

> The Netherlands