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Spoon: A Biography

Isn't this a freaky pic?

Yes! It was cold, but WOW, did it ever wake me up

This is me pretending to pose for a catalog
(how come they always stare into nothing?)

Pretending to dance the invisible Mombo!

Happy Me

Really Happy Me (notice the crow pic in the background?)

My name is Mike, a common name for an uncommon person. I am presently 24 years of age but I only act like I'm 7. Hee hee! I have been going to College for about 17,000 years now and I'm just about done. I'm taking computers. As you can see, web page design was NOT covered in the course corriculum. =)
I work at Red Lobster and I have been there for about 8 years now! I have developed quite a few friends there (not to mention a bizzare attitude and matching reputation) Trust me, work at the same part time job for 8 years and you'll be crazy like me too!

Here is some personal stuff bout me:

Name: Mike
Age: 24
Residence: In a house somewhere's in Ontario, Canada
Place of Employment: Red Lobster(also known as the 7th layer of Hell)
Height: 5'9
Weight: 170
Eyes: As blue as the clearest summer day(I got two of em)
Hair: Short, brown and usually gelled to get that cool slicked back/spikey look with just a hint of middle european flare and a bit of ...yadda,yadda,yadda
Feet: 2 I'm only a size 9
Arms: Yup, I got em!! Two even!
Favorite Movie: Braveheart (better than Titanic no matter what people say!!)
Favorite Band: NIN (if you don't know who they are, get out from that rock u been living in)
Favorite Food: Alfredo Pasta (YUM YUM!)
Favorite Pastime: Look at my brain! Hockey, Romance, Computers, and inflicting emotional trauma on my fellow empyolees
Talents: I have the uncanny ability to control birds and butterflies(no one ever suspects the butterfly)

The rising and the setting of the sun, the ebbs of the tides, the very motion of the planet around it's ecliptic...thses are just a few of the things I control in my world!

Well, now you know what I look like. I'll put up more/better pics soon and some personal stuff about me. While you wait...

Ohhh Ohhh Ohhh More Pics Of Me!!

Email: Tell me what you think