Magic:The Gathering
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Magic:The Gathering

Even though I just started playing Magic:The Gathering for just some time, I can really admit that it is very addicting. Actually, I started just one month before the expansion set Mirage came out. But since then, I've learned a lot from all of my friends and some from the internet.

The very first deck that I made was a blue- white library-death deck. The reason why I made this deck was because I hated everyone who played red-green who shouted "BOLT!" and "Giant Growth!". Little did I know that it took brains to play red-green. That's why I made a red-green that took brains to play. I ain't gonna show this now on the net 'coz I want the magazines to show it. Until then...

We just had an Extended Type tournament. It boggles me to see pure blue decks popping out from everywhere. Some time not long ago, Type 1.5 tournaments consisted of " landy" decks, "weenies", and "BLASTER" decks. What happened to speed? The problem is, whenever you play against blue, you tend to think that he/she has counterspells. Not anymore! Most decks that I have seen consist of only four to nine counterspells. Weird, isn't it? Blue, which has a reputation of disallowing spells from getting down the table, now has the power to destroy permanent spells that landed (with the help of course of the Nev's Disk).

I just fought someone over the net (with the help of bdomina chat room). There's this "Prison Deck" that everybody is using. With the help of "Ice Age's" comeback, these prison decks tend to destroy everything that goes down. What it cannot kill, it taps (Icy Manipulator) ar it gets (Control Magic). By the way, the deck that I fought was a Type I Deck. The deck that I fought was very weird, it didn't have any single counterspell. Also, even if he was blue, he didn't leave any lands untapped. I guess that that deck didn't have the time to save up mana. Anyways, even though I was using only a Type II deck, I won at the end. I was using a red-black weenie/blaster deck and the card that saved my butt were the Haups and my Incinerates. It was a very long game, but it helped me terribly with my game. I realized that even if your enemy plays with a card that is more expensive than your whole deck, it doesn't mean that he/she is 100% going to win. All that you need are brains and a lot of patience agains a "Prison Deck". My insight is, when fighting agains a prison deck, you should be very fast with your creatures and direct damage. "Prison Decks" need time to set-up, and if your deck needs only 3 lands to do it's thing, there's no way those time- eating set-up decks would stand a chance.

Visit my page for more insights on people's decks and a way to defeat them.

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