Although further development of this site has been halted, this site has NEVER ceased to be only OFFICIAL Taral Hicks website on the internet.
Dear born-again Christians who are Taral Hicks fans,
After nearly 5 years of strongly promoting Taral Hicks as the Christian entertainer I believed her to be, I have ENDED my long standing promotion of Taral Hicks via this website after see Taral's public nudity,(parading around in skimpy lace underwear), and her use of stong profanity while playing the character "Kisha" in the movie "Belly".
This is totally devestating to me. I am DEEPLY saddened to say that the normal operation of this website is expected to NEVER resume again.
This has actually made me physically sick to my stomach. The ONLY reason why I even promoted Taral Hicks is because I whole-heartedly believed that she was a model Christian, a firm believer and devote follower of the doctrines and morals as taught by the historic Christian faith, as she herself publicly indicated in her AOL interview and as several members of her family have told me personally when I first began this website.
It is a fact that NO company on Earth has promoted and informed the public about Taral Hicks as long, as fully and as widely as my website has done. It has also been estimated that this website has been responsible for approxamately between 20% to 40% of Taral's record and ticket sales,(partly because Motown has a history of failing to promote some of their artists sufficiently, if at all, including Taral Hicks).
Yet I have NEVER asked for anything in return nor has anything ever been offered. I have not solicited or receive even so much as a "Thank you." from either Taral Hicks or those who are paid to represent her. Only after I quit promoting her did her mother briefly tell me "I understand perfectly and thank you for your services", and quickly got off the phone. Thanks was never my goal.
I merely wanted to see a dideicated Christian sister become a strong influence in the progressively ungodly entertainment and modeling industries. The only one I needed a pat on the back was from my Lord Jesus Christ, for furthering the cause of the gospel by helping Taral, fully believing that she was both a refined young lady of class and that she was truely my sister in Christ, to achieve lasting international attention.
But no actor or actress who is really a Born-Again Christian and who is really indwelled by the Holy Ghost, would EVER betray Christ and the church with such an ungodly display as to do the kind of scenes taral did in "Belly". Any true Christian would rather die than betray Christ, the Gospel of Christ or the family of Christ,(their fellow Christians).
As I solemnly vowed when I began this website, if Taral Hicks EVER presented an ungodly role model to the public in any way, that I would no longer promote her, either for free or for any amount of money. As you can all see, my word is my bond. I am a man of my word!
I guess it just goes to prove that it NEVER pays to put your trust in any mortal and that only the most blind of fools have such lofty hopes as I did, that there is any such thing as a good human being. As God said "THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NOT EVEN ONE" (Romans 3:10) I have seldom ever been so downhearted as I am over this.
JDP&C,(Jonathan DeFabritis Publishing & Consulting), is a CHRISTIAN owned and operated organization, and will remain so until my LORD and Savior, God the Son, Jesus Christ takes me home to reign with Him in Heaven! Hallelujah! Amen and AMEN!
So Taral... for the love of God,(if you really do love Him), please, GET A CLUE!
The ONLY way that I would ever resume this website is if Taral Hicks repents of doing that role in "Belly", publicly renouces what she did wrong in the role she played,(described above), and publicly and personally apologizes for it to God, to her Christian fans and to me, asking our forgiveness for her indiscresion and for the poor image as a Christian she portrayed in her role in "Belly". Why publicly? Because what she did wrong was done so very publicly!
Taral, you know the postal address where to write to me, should you decide to do the right thing, as suggested above.
Well, I guess it just goes to show that being raised up in a church family, as Taral was, is no guarantee of godly living. It seems like people from such backgrounds are seldom as close to God as those who have come up from nothing. Perhaps that's how it usually really is, because those of us,(and I am one of these), who God raises up from the lowest walks of life, DO have more to appreciate God for,(having been forgiven for so much more), than those who've never really had it so bad. Look at Moses and Paul. God could have chose more "upstanding" people for these highest of jobs, but instead God chose,(and blessed), losers like Moses and Paul, who were some of the worst offenders when they first met God. After all, the Bible does say that God abases the proud and exalts the lowly.
But let's keep Taral in prayer, because you can TRUST that if hitting bottom is what it really takes for Taral to wake up and finally reach for a SINCERE walk with God, that God can and will make it so and has been known to do just that. God KNOWS how to get a person's attention when He really wants to. So let's just pray that God will do whatever is neccessary to help Taral wake up and get real with God and if there is any hope at all that He can persuade her, in His own good time, He will... you can count on that!
By the way... I can't help but wonder what PASTOR Hicks,(Taral's pastor and her grandfather), thought about her role in "Belly"? Any decent and honest Christian should've been as offended as I was, so a decent and honest Christian PASTOR should have been even more offended, since they regularly preach against such anti-christian conduct!
Jonathan DeFabritis
Monday, September 1, 1999
In honor of my Grandmother, the late Theresa Aiello Sanford, 1910-1994. She was a diligant prayer warrior who never gave up hope, even through the worst of times, for me to become a godly man. I thank God for saving me and for allowing her to live to see that her vigilant prayers were answered.