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List of Publications by Thanh Long To

Abstracts of Published Papers
    Doctorat (PhD Dissertation)
  1. Coronavirus de la gastroenterite transmissible du porcelet: Etude comparative de l'antigenicite et de l'immunogenicite de differentes souches virales.
    Faculte de Pharmacologie, Universite Francois Rabellais, Tours, France, 163 pages, 1994.

    Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.)
  2. Diagnosis Marek's Disease in industialized chickens in Vietnam.
    Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hanoi University of Agriculture, Hanoi, Vietnam, 1981.

    Articles in Scientific Journals
  3. Serum and Intestinal Isotype Antibody Responses to Wa Human Rotavirus in Gnotobiotic pigs are Modulated by Maternal Antibodies. (1998) Submitted
  4. Effects of Maternal Antibodies on Protection anf the Development of Antibody Responses to Human Rotavirus in Gnotobiotic Pigs. (1998) Submitted
  5. Serum and intestinal isotope antibody responses and correlates of protective immunity to human rotavirus in a gnotobiotic pig model of disease J. Gen. Virol, 1998, in press.
  6. Antibody-secreting cell responses and protective immunity assessed in gnotobiotic pigs inoculated orally or intramuscularly with inactivated human rotavirus. Virol. 1998 Jan; 72 (1): 330-338.
  7. Comparative studies of the pathogenesis, antibody immune responses, and homologous protection to porcine and human rotaviruses in gnotobiotic piglets. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol, 1997
  8. Development of mucosal and systemic lymphoproliferative responses and protective immunity to human group A rotaviruses in a gnotobiotic pig model. Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 1996 May; 3(3): 342-350.
  9. Systematic and intestinal antibody-secreting cell responses and correlates of protective immunity to human rotavirus in a gnotobiotic pig model of disease. J Virol 1996 May;70(5): 3075-3083.
  10. The gnotobiotic piglet as a model for studies of disease pathogenesis and immunity to human rotaviruses. Arch Virol Suppl 1996;12: 153-161.
  11. Transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus: the development and applications of the fixed-cell immunoperoxidase technique. Rev Sci Tech 1993 Jun;12(2): 537-558.
  12. Effect of fixation on the detection of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus antigens by the fixed-cell immunoperoxidase technique. J Immunol Methods 1992 Oct 2;154(2): 195-204.
  13. Transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus: surface antigens induced by virulent and attenuated strains. Res Virol 1992 Jul;143(4):241-248.
  14. Fixed-cell immunoperoxidase technique for the study of surface antigens induced by the coronavirus of transmissible gastroenteritis (TGEV). Vet Microbiol 1991 Nov;29(3-4): 361-368.
  15. Recherches des proprieres du virus vaccine (souche Janson) cultive sur oeufs embryonnes de poule et son efficacite vis a vis de la souche virulente vietnamienne de la peste de canard . Revue de Medecine Veterinaire INRV, 1983, No 3, 12-19.
  16. Recherches des proprieres biologiques et immunologiques du virus vaccine (souche TN) et sa possibilite d'utilisation dans la protection des canetons contre l'hepatite du caneton. Revue de Medecine Veterinalre INRV, 1984, No 5, 14-20.
  17. Diagnostic de la maladie d'Aujeszky chez les porcs au Vietnam par la seroneutralisation en culture cellulaire. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire INRV, 1985, No 3,13-16.
  18. Symptome clinique chez les porcs positifs vis a vis du virus Aujeszky. Revue de Medecine Veterinaire INRV, 1985, No 4, 1-7.

    Contributions to Conference Proceedings
  19. Swine transmissible gastroenteritis: Detection of surface virus antigens on infected cells by immunoperoxidase test (IPT). Societe Francaise d'Immunologie/Nederlandse Vereniging voor Immunologie. (1990) P2-97, 108.
  20. Porcine hybridoma secreting monoclonal antibodies against transmissible gastroenteritis virus. Societe Francaise d'Immunologie/British Society of Immunology, (1991) London. P2-97, 163.
  21. Anticorps contre le virus de la gastroenterite transmissible (virus de la GET) dans les serums de porcs et dans les surnageants des hybrides secretant des anticorps monoclonaux porcins anti-virus de la GET: Comparaison des techniques d'ELISA indirect et d'ELISA sur cellules infectees. (1992). Proceedings of VIth International Symposium of WAVLD, Lyon.
  22. Porcine monoclonal antibody against transmissible gastroenteritis virus: intraspecies and interspecies hybridoma. Regard sur la Biochimle. (1992) No 3, 1 lA.
  23. Viral structural antigens induced by virulent and attenuated strains in infected cells. In: Proceedings/12th IPVS Congress, The Hague, 1992, 147.
  24. Effect of aldehyde and dehydrating fixatives on the accessibility of virus epitopes to monoclonal antibodies. In: Proceedings/12th IPVS Congress, The Hague, 1992, 148.
  25. Transmissible gastroenteritis virus: quantitative factors of immune response in weaning pigs. In proceedings of the 13 th IPVS Congress, (1994) Bangkok, Thailand. 107.
  26. Transmissible gastroenteritis virus: humoral immune response induced by virulent and attenuated strains. In proceedings of the 13 th IPVS Congress, (1994) Bangkok, Thailand. 108.
  27. Transmissible gastroenteritis virus: cell-mediated immune response induced by virulent and attenuated strains in weaning pigs. In proceedings of the 13 th IPVS Congress, (1994) Bangkok, Thailand. 109.
  28. Transmissible gastroenteritis virus: Comparison of antigenic and immunogenic properties of the vaccinal Nouzilly and other TGEV strains. In proceedings of the 14 th IPVS Congress, (1996) Bologna, Italy. 110.
  29. Transmissible gastroenteritis virus: Trial for production of porcine monoclonal antibodies against virus. In proceedings of the 14 th IPVS Congress, (1996) Bologna, Italy. 111.
  30. Transmissible gastroenteritis virus: Differentiation between sera from TGEV-infected and PRCV-infected pigs by serum endpoint analysis. In proceedings of the 14 th IPVS Congress, (1996) Bologna, Italy. 112.
  31. Immunogenicity of the outer capsid glycoprotein (VP7) of porcine rotavirus Gottfried strain expressed in a baculovirus expression system. In proceedings of the 14 th IPVS Congress, (1996) Bologna, Italy. 109.
  32. Antibody secreting cell responses in gnotobiotic pigs inoculated orally or intramuscularly with attenuated human rotavirus. Proceedings of the 15th Annual meeting of American Society for Virology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, (1996) 134.
  33. Isotype-specific serum and fecal antibody responses to human rotavirus in gnotobiotic piglets. Proceedings of the 15th Annual meeting of American Society for Virology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 134. (1996)
  34. Passive immunity to conventional and recombinant TGEV vaccines in swines. CRWALD, Chicago, Illinois, (1996), P15

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