In the spring of 1986, while attending a church service in a large south Texas city, I saw something that amazed me. It was not a vision, I saw it in the Spirit. I was sitting in a pew surrounded on all sides by other believers waiting for the service to begin, when suddenly, I saw something horrible. Unfortunately, it is not unique.
Before me I saw a green pasture and on it many sheep. They lazily grazed without fear. Among them were wolves who appeared to fit in unnoticed. In their mouths were huge chunks of flesh. The blood was fresh and dripping. On the edges of the green meadow, on both sides, I saw sheep scattering and running to safety. They ran into the margins symbolized by the color red. When I became aware again of my surroundings, I knew instantly what it was that I had seen. The edges of the meadow that were painted the color red was symbolic of the blood of Jesus. Those who found refuge in the blood were unharmed. Unfortunately, those in the middle were unaware of their destruction. Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
The message is for two groups of people. SHEEP and SHEPHERDS. If you are "sheep"...BEWARE...there may be wolves among your midst. You must remain under the blood of Jesus and hold fast to the word of your testimony. God has great things in store for you. Take care to what you hear and hold fast to what is true. Here is a promise:
The body of Jesus of whom we are all members WILL COME TO MATURITY, and be full of His Spirit like an expectant bride ready at the bridegrooms coming. Signs and wonders, and miracles of immense proportions will take place at the bidding of God's saints...Brothers and sisters, THAT MEANS YOU! ...and God will receive unto Himself the precious produce (James 5:7)...and HE ALONE will be glorified!
Recently I began to inquire of God why He had not judged and removed those who were destroying His people. The Spirit led me to Matthew chapter 13, vs. 24-30 and 36-43. The parable explains why God is yet to judge. It is for our sake that He keeps His wrath.
In the parable, the good seed, the gospel, is sown in a field (the soil of man's heart) by a landowner, the Son of Man. The enemy, the devil, sowed his seed, the tares. Both grew to maturity and the wheat bore its fruit and the tare likewise. The slaves, the servants of God, asked the landowner why these tares were among the wheat, and should they uproot them. The landowner said no, for in uprooting the tares, the wheat may be harmed. In the end, He promised, the angels would bind up the tares and burn them casting them into a furnace of fire in a place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. The righteous wheat will be gathered to God. The unrighteous tares are destined for fire. In this parable Jesus also explained, which is now clearly evident, that there were two types of tares, STUMBLING BLOCKS and those who COMMIT LAWLESSNESS. Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
WOE to the shepherds who have become a stumbling block to the people of God. Woe to the ones who have been entrusted with the gospel and squandered its glory. I say to you hell is not hot enough for your unrighteous deeds. Holding to a form of godliness and denying the power thereof you have become a stumbling block to the people of God. By false doctrine and impure motives you have enslaved your flock. Your doctrine is your own and is not from God. You strain at the word and drain it of its power and the flock is suffering for your indiscretion. Here is a promise.
God will raise up from among us, FROM THE LEAST, true shepherds who will pastor the flock without pretense and in the "full assurance of faith". These shepherds will tend to the flock out of sincere love and with sincere motivations, and not ungodly GREED. They will have the heart of David and the mind of Christ. The Spirit of the Living God will dwell in them in all power and with much glory.
And WOE to YOU who commit lawlessness in the sight of God's people and then call it good. Your end is near, hell awaits you. Supposing that godliness is a means of financial gain you have perverted the gospel of truth, for your motives are evil. You commit adultery and unspeakable sins in the secret places and then YOU RETURN TO THE FEAST. The blood of my people cries out. Thier blood is on your hands. Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.