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List of PCs and NPCs by section

NOTE: Characters w/o an email address link are NPCs.

Command Staff

Molos, son of Aa'nak House Ji'ral -- male Klingon/Human -- Lt Colonel -- Capt of vessel

T'orak -- Human/Vulcan -- First Officer of vessel -- Major ((temporary NPC))

Third in Command, see Head of Security

Security Staff

Roanna De'roy Steffenie of the house Hendrake Clan Retheu -- Chris Kaschafsky -- female Klingon/Romulan -- 1st Lieutenant

Malod -- male Klingon/Trill (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant

M'ring -- female Klingon/Vulcan (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant

M'lara -- female Klingon/Bajoran (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant

K'tog of Reshtarc -- male Imperial Klingon (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant

S'tok -- male Klingon/Betazoid (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant


M'tong son of Kas'cha -- Engineering Chief -- 1st Lieutenant -- John Mussleman --

M'otak -- male Klingon/Betazoid (NPC)-- 2nd Lieutenant

S'etap -- female Klingon/Betazoid (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant

J'eptak -- female Imperial Klingon (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant

K'orzai -- male 25% Klin 75% human (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant

M'tar -- male Klingon/Cardassian (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant


Dr A'noq -- Klingon/Betazoid (NPC)-- Marine Captain

Steffenie of the house Hendrake--Chris Kaschafsky-- female Klingon/Romulan -- 1st Lieutenant

Dr M'tor -- male Klingon/Bajoran (NPC)2nd Lieutenant

Dr M'qas -- male Klingon/Zeon (NPC)2nd Lieutenant

Dr K'taq -- male Imperial Klingon -- 2nd Lieutenant(NPC)

Dr T'ang -- male Klingon/Vulcan --2nd Lieutenant(NPC)


M'enqar -- female Imperial Klingon -- Chief Science Officer (NPC) -- 1st Lieutenant

M'tonar -- female Klingon/human (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant

K'pring -- female Klingon/Vulcan (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant

K'por -- male Imperial Klingon (Reshtarc) (NPC) 2nd Lieutenant

K'tara -- female Klingon/human (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant

Combat Information Center Staff

G'arok son of S'otak -- male Argo/Klingon -- Tactical Sensor Officer (NPC) -- 1st Lieutenant

A'ennar son of P'otai -- female Klingon/Bolian -- Fire Control officer (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant

R'lorak -- male Romulan/Klingon -- Shuttle ops -- 2nd Lieutenant

T'shal -- male Klingon/Vulcan -- Fire Control officer (NPC) -- 2nd Lieutenant

Numerous other enlisted personel on Fire Control station staff, 18 maximum

Intelligence Station staffed by Intelligence security sub staff


Q'ookon -- female Klingon/Ktarian -- head of intelligence (NPC) -- 1st Lieutenant and adjutant to Roanna De'roy Steffenie of the house Hendrake Clan Retheu

K'tassak -- male Klingon/Ktarian -- 2nd Lieutenant (NPC)

M'akatay -- male Klingon/human -- 2nd Lieutanant (NPC)

M'kareek -- female Klingon/Bajoran -- 2nd Lieutenant (NPC)

B'lorak -- male Klingon/Bolian -- 2nd Lieutenant (NPC)

Attack Craft Crew

M'oras -- male Imperial Klingon -- 1st Lietenant (NPC)

M'taka -- male Klingon/Trill -- 2nd Lieutenant (NPC)

M'ak -- male Klingon/Cardassian -- 2nd Lieutenant (NPC)

M'orkon -- female Ngo'knurr -- 2nd Lieutenant (NPC)

K'tsokpa -- female Ngo'knurr -- 2nd Lieutenant (NPC)

S'tar -- male Klingon/Vulcan/Ngo'knurr -- 2nd Lieutenant (NPC)


All are Starfleet Exchange Crew Ramos -- Human -- Signal Officer (NPC)--Lieutenant

Daisetz Sulu -- Human -- Internal Comm (NPC) --

Hiroshi Daitokuji -- Human -- Internal Comm (NPC) --

Monique Dion -- Human -- Internal Comm (NPC) --

Freddie Moreno -- female Human -- Subspace and RF Comm (NPC) --

Olivia Uhlin -- Human -- Subspace and RF Comm (NPC) --

Philip Kwaitkowski -- Human -- Subspace and RF Comm (NPC) --

Gregory Roos -- Human -- Crypto and Datalink (NPC) --

Sean Richards -- Human -- Crypto and Datalink (NPC) --

Bonap -- Bolian -- Crypto and Datalink (NPC) --

K'tari -- Klingon/Human (not Starfleet Exchange) -- Communications Officer -- Midshipman (NPC)

M'orak -- Klingon/Human -- combadge issuer (NPC) -- Midshipman

Starfleet Exchange Naval/Army Boarding Crew

Miles O'Malley -- Human -- Lt(sg) -- Commander of company contingent (NPC)

Includes two infantry companies of marine trained Naval/Army personell to be named individually later in postings as seen fit, if not then just referred collectively