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Chibi Moon/Reeny/Small Lady/Chibi Usa

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Name (JP) Chibi Usa (literally, small Usagi)/Small Lady
Name (NA) Reeny (also often spelled Rini and Reeni)
Hobby Drawing
Favorite Color Red and Pink
Favorite Subject Art
Least Favorite Subject Japanese Language
Favorite Food Pancakes and Pudding
Least Favorite Food Carrots
Bad habit(s) Tell's the truth in a wrong moment
Strong point Teasing Serena about Darien
Likes Luna-p/Kitty ball/Luna ball

Luna ball/Kitty ball Magic

In the new dubbs, Chibi Moon was changed to Mini Moon. And just for those who do care: I HATE IT! ^_^ I know, I know, dubbing has its flaws... but M I N I moon? What type of moron came up with that? If you like it, that's great, if you don't... you RULE! ^_^ Or you just have great judgment. ^_^