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Sailor Moon

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Name (JP) Tsukino Usagi
Name (NA) Serena
Hobby Sleeping, Eating, Shopping
Fevorite Sport None
Favorite color Pink, white
Favorite Subject Home ec
Weak Subject(s) English, Math
Favorite Food Ice cream, Cake
Least favorite food Carrots
Favorite place in the world Palace of Versailles
Bad habit(s) To laugh and at the same time sidetrack the truth
Strong point Make cute faces and say:"PLESEEEEE"; making excuses up
Scared of... Dentist and T-Storms (thunder storms)
Quote A child needs sleep to grow up

Powers (NA)
Moon Tiara Magic
Moon Healing Activation
Moon Crystal Healing Activation
Moon Sceptre Elimination
Moon Sceptre Activation
Moon Spiral Heart Attack

Moon Prisim power / Moon Star Power / Moon Crystal Power