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Sailor Venus


Name (JP) Aino Minako*
Name (NA) Mina
Hobby Role Playing
Favorite Sport Volleyball
Favorite color Yellow/Orange and Dark Blue**
Favorite Subject Physical Education
Weak Subject(s) All other subjects
Favorite Food Curry (maybe because it is yellow? ^_^)
Least Favorite Food Mushroom
Favorite Place in The World Inside a Space Shuttle
Bad habit(s) Absend-minded and easy to make mad
Strong point Brown-nosing
Scared of... Pliceman and Mother
Quote If you trip and fall, don't get up without learning something from it.

* "Mi" and "ko" can also be pronaunced as "Bi" and "su", making it "Binasu", a Japanese pronanciation of Venus
** Some people think it's yellow and red, but it actually is yellow and orange. The senshi's favorite color is also the color of their suits, and Sailor Venus' suit is dark blue and a sort of yellowish orange.

Venus Cresent Beam
Venus Venus Shower (46)
Venus Meteor Shower
Venus Love Chain Encircle

Venus (Star) Power

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