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SailorMoon SE Prologue

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As many of you have already figured out/read, SE stands for SailorEarth. Before you start reading though, I'll try to answer some questions, so you'll understand the fanfic. You can also go to the F.A.Q. which maybe will answer some of your questions.

The first thing you'll need to know is that my fanfic starts, not like a planned after Sailor Stars, but after SailorMoon R. To refresh your memory: At the end of SailorMoon R, the Black Moon is destroyed, and Black Lady/Wicked Lady is turned back to Reeny/Chibi Usa.

Some of these stories might remind you of SailorMoon stories or other fanfics. That is very possible, since I read a lot of SailorMoon fanfic, and get sometimes Ideas from them.

You might have noticed that SailorEarth/Florie does not yet know of the other scouts, since they are believed to be dead. Orion does not know that they are still alive, neither does any other character, except for Gaia. The ‘Counsel of Spirits' is a new invention of me. You'll get introduced to them in later episodes. For now, you'll only have to know that the ‘Counsel of Spirits' is made up of spirits *obviously*. Gaia is the spirit of the Earth, also known as the Spirit of life and/or death.

You also will notice that SailorEarth lives in NYC (New York City). This question is asked so much, I'll explain it. Why does Florie live alone? How does she manage it financially? Well, there is a simple answer to that. Florie was adopted by a rich family when she was a baby. The parents that adopted her where scientist and had a son already. At the age of 7, her parents went with their son on a expedition (the son was then already 24, and had a degree as scientist). They went up to the Himalaya, but their aeroplane crashed, and no one was found alive. Florie sold the big house, and moved alone to NYC, and brought there a little apartment. Strangely, no one seems to notice that she lives alone. Except for Mrs. Brown, Orion and Amanda, no one knows.

I hope I answered most of your questions. Enjoy reading. Any additional questions? Typos? Please, e-mail SailorEarth. Thank you!!!

I understand that all these fanfics are written by Sailor EArth (nick), and I won't use her fanfics for my own homepage. © by Sib aka Sailor Earth 1999 - 2001

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