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Sticky Histerya

Characters that play in "Sticky Histerya"
Florie- everyone knows that Flora Fauna Lilith is our heroine SailorEarth and the major character in all the stories. What? You didn't know that? Well, now you know!!!
Amanda- Flories best friend
Orion- SailorEarth's guardian cat
Substitute teacher- Sub for art
Mme Allera- French techer of Florie
Mr. Barth- Florie's Math teacher
Bus-driver- The name says it
Monster- Not telling ya who that is! ^_^

Sticky Hysteria

Click here for music

We start our Story in New York, where Flora lives( Florie for short). She is just about to step into the bus, when she hears someone call her name. She turns around and sees her best friend, Amanda.
Amanda: "Florie, wait up! I am late today, sorry. Why didn't you come to pick me up?"
Florie: "Oh, I am sorry, I wanted to, but I overslept too." Smiling: "Well, now we met."
Amanda: "Yeah, now we met" Smiles too.
Bus driver: "C'mon you chatty girls, or your gonna be late for school!"
Florie: "Oh, yeah, sorry."
While they drive, Florie and Amanda talk about everything that happened past weekend. That is a ritual we better get used to, they do that every Monday, except Amanda overslept! Amanda never oversleeps. She has like a schedule in her had, that includes: Waking up, eating breakfast, brushing her teeth, leaving the house, meeting with Florie, going on the bus, every period is in her head, lunch, when school is out, when she comes home, makes her homework, eating dinner, phoning to Florie and then go to bed. She is perfect in that kind things.
Finally they arrive at school. They now have to split up, because they have different schedules. Florie first goes to math. Today, it is extremely boring, so Florie decides to think of what Amanda said to her. "I was glued to my chair this morning. Someone left a tube of glue on her chair. It was marked with some kind of shape, a black star. Black Star... why would any glue company use a black star for their symbol?
Mr. Barth: "Flora Fauna Lilith! I asked you a Question! You are otherwise always listening!"
Florie: "Uh...yeah, sorry, what was the Question, please?"
Mr. Barth: "If y = 5x + 17, what is b, and what is m?"
Florie: "m = 5, b = 17"
Mr. Barth: "That is right. Lets go on..."
Soon Florie is so into the Worksheet they get, and she almost forgets the black star glue company. ALMOST!!!!

After the math class, Florie goes to French. Since she is the best in french, she does never listen very carefully. Instead she sees on her teacher's desk a glue stick.
Mme.(Madame) Allera: "Janine! (explanation: Florie's french name is Janine) What did I just ask? And what is so interesting about my glue stick?" she asks in french, while she takes the glue and puts it away.
Florie (in french): "Excuse me... I was not paying attention. Could you repeat your Question please?"
Mme. Allera: "Well, ok, tell me, how do you call this?" (Holding up a picture of bread)
Florie: "Ca c'est le pain" ("That is bread)
Mme. Allera: "Excellent"

Next, Florie has Art. Florie hates Art. When she comes into the class room, everyone sits down, except for Florie. A substitute teacher enters.
Sub: "Why are you not in your seat?"
Florie: "Cause I have always to run errands at the beginning of class. Like, going to the office and picking up papers there."
Sub: "Well, ok. Here you go, but hurry!"

Of course Florie Noticed something strange, and lied about the errands, but she saw a lot of black star glue sticks. She also saw that other friends didn't bother standing up for the teachers, like they otherwise always did. So Florie says the magical words when she enters the girls bathroom.
She rushes back to the room, exactly when the Sub transforms into a monster. The glue starts to shine, and the Students get Zapped! I mean, they gat weaker, and then they transform into monsters! They start moving out to the other classrooms. What to do? But, don't fear, SailorEarth is here!
Click here for SE appearance music
Florie (as SE): "Stop right there, Nega-Trash! I am SailorEarth, and I stand for Justice around here! Better remember me, cause I'm the last sight of beauty you'll ever see!" Wow, an attitude! "Get ready," and she jumps down from the last three stairs in a Salto. Show-off! "Cause I'll take the trash out!"
Fighting music
Monster: "Oh yeah? Well, I do not fear you, you little brat!"
SE: "I may be young, but I am strong! Earth eagle... strike!"
We all know what that is! You don't? Well, it is a eagle which flies over the enemy, until it suddenly strikes down, towards the enemy.
Monster: "AHHHHHH!!!!! I'll get you for this, Sailor twit! Glue stick.... smash!!!!!"
SE: "Ewwww! The whole floor is covered with glue! I can't move!!!"
Monster: "Fluid Glue..... glue her tight!!!!!"
Describing the scene: SailorEarth, glued on the floor, the wall, and now even her arms are glued tight against her body.
SE: "What should I do? Orion, help me!!!"
Orion shoots out of her Backpack and scratchers the enemy. The enemy just takes her off, and throws her to the floor. It didn't help SailorEarth really. Then, out of nowhere Amanda appeared with a lot of water.
Amanda: "Hold on..." and she throws the water over SailorEarth. The glue is not watertight, so she can easily get it off. Then she gets one of her Ivies and already swings in the air.
SE: "Thanks!"
Monster: "Arrgh! You'll pay for this!" (To Amanda)
SE: "Not today, Nega-glue! You better glue on tight, because I'll smash you with my" She drops herself and lands safely on her feet. "Earth Frizbee!"
Orion: "It's a tiara!"
Now, you need some outside knowledge. SailorEarth's tiara forms into a frisbee, like SailorMoon's tiara, the only difference is that SailorEarth's tiara looks like Xena's, warrior princess (an other TV show), Chakrum. Anyway, she says that right now.
SE: "Earth tiara... appear" *Note* she says appear, that's because it is not magical like SailorMoon's tiara.
She throws her tiara, and the enemy is hit (of course). The monster dies and the glue disappears. Everyone in the Art class is totally astonished when Amanda tells them what they just did. SailorEarth disapears in the mean time. She transforms back, and everything is ok again. The ninth grade is saved. *Note* that SE is a year older then Serena. Since I picked up after the END of SMR I am in the ninth grade.

Click for music to SE says

SailorEarth says: We all have our subjects we hate. I really hate Art and Physics, but that is because I am not good in them. But even so, I give my best, and that is what you should do, too! Orion: That's right Florie. You don't have to be perfect, but don't give up! If you give it your best shot, and you really study hard, you may find out that it isn't too hard. Maybe it becomes your favourite subject! Who knows! SailorEarth says: c-ya!