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Little Star, Never Far


            All the muffins in the world could not silence all the third graders that were visiting the café. Everywhere Star looked was a little kid. Hathor was at one table with two of her friends, Lucy and Olivia. They joked around, every once in a while throwing something to the table with the five little boys sitting near them. Robby was running around in the storage room, looking for sodas, ingredients, and napkins.

            Florie was serving the other guests in the main café. Many people asked about the noise in the next room, to which Florie just explained, “third graders having lunch after a trip to an art museum,” and the people who had asked just nodded and smiled.

            After an hour or so of screaming and yelling, Mrs. Galley made her way to the counter, behind which Florie worked busily. She smiled at the teacher who let herself fall tiredly on a chair, and gladly accepted the cup of coffee Florie handed her.

            “Ah, thank you. The beverage of the gods! I am hardly worthy!” she smiled.

            “Oh, don’t be silly, every teacher who is willing to take a bunch of third graders out for lunch after a museum on a Saturday deserves the treatment of a god.”

            “Yes,” Star came back towards the kitchen with her hands full of trays, cups, plates and leftovers, “and who can stand so many kids! I’d go crazy!”

            “Oh, it’s not that bad,” Mrs. Galley smiled, “maybe you should come volunteer once! You’d fall in love with half of those little monsters,” she added with a welcoming smile.

            “Gees, I’d love to, but I think I am a little busy here...” Star pushed the trays on the sill that separated the kitchen from the rest of the room, “with Carla sick, and Rowena out on vacation. Monica is working full time on the weekends already!”

            “Well, the offer is there for as long as there is school, deal?” Mrs. Galley wouldn’t let it be so easily.

            “I don’t know,” Star wiped her hands on her apron, “I’m not that great with kids. Mina is the one who is great with kids, or Sandra. But not me, I am better with kids that are my age or older.”

            “That is the exact reason you should try it! The kids already love you from what I’ve heard so far today! Come on, it would be fun!”

            “Yeah, Star,” Florie turned to her with a beaming grin, “Rowena will be back by next Saturday, and Carla said it was nothing serious.”

            “And next Saturday, we want to go to the Tokyo Astrological Observatory. I heard you are quite interested in astrology. What do you say?” Mrs. Galley and Florie were looking at Star, questioning and challenging.

            “Alright!” Star sighed, “I already know I will regret this, but oh, well, who cares right? And they are after all just kids.”

            “Ha,” Mrs. Galley smiled, “that’s what you think now, but just wait till they get bored.”

            Star groaned, “you could have left me thinking it wasn’t that bad for a little while!” Florie and Mrs. Galley laughed.


            The girl looked at the boy. She was still so innocent looking and fragile as before she had talked to Dûment, but she was more determined.

            “It seems that they have strange friends,” she said in her soft, high-pitched voice, “they are there for each other although they hate each other. I do not understand,” she turned away from the monitor towards her brother, “there is still too much energy interfering to find Sheba. She must be here somewhere. These... children give off a great deal. If you can eliminate some of them, we may be able to find her. But be careful. Those annoying girls will be there. We have to make them go away too, before it is too late!”

            The boy nodded, “you are right,” he pointed towards one spot on the map, “here is high activity. But I am not sure that we can eliminate so much energy with just one of our friends. We need more than that.”

            “We have few left,” the girl turned away for a while and wrinkled her forehead in deep folds, “we will have to start on the new machine. Make two of them in the machine.”

            “Yes,” was the boy’s only reply.


            Star halted in front of the school. She was excited about the field trip, but uneasy about the kids. ‘What if they don’t like me? What if they completely hate me? What if I screw up and they run all over the place, breaking stuff, and then it is my fault? What if one of them gets hurt and it is my fault? Am I thinking too much about it?’

            “Nervous?” Star shot around and was ready to hit someone when she saw it was only Mrs. Galley.

            “No...” she stumbled over he own words, “more like, terrified.”

            Mrs. Galley laughed, “yes, they can be quite intimidating, especially when you stand in front of so many,” she gestured towards the stairs, “and all of them are ready to jump on you and bite your head off.”

            Star swallowed hard and looked again towards the stairs. Three kids were sitting there, Hathor, Lucy and Olivia. She heard Mrs. Galley laugh behind her, “come on, don’t be afraid, they are harmless. And I believe you already know Hathor, from Klarissa, right?”

            “Y-Yes, I do,” she was not lying, she knew Hathor from Klarissa also, “and I know Lucy and Olivia, too.”

            “Well then,” she smiled warmly, “you know some of the kids. The rest should be here any minute now. When they come, I want you to hand out these bracelets. They are our ticket into the museum. You may have to help some of the kids to put them on. And here are worksheets for the kids. Hand them out on the bus. Pencils will be given out in the museum. Oh, there come some more. I’ll go greet their parents while you give them bracelets, ok?”

            “Sure,” Star nodded, and went over to the stairs, where she gave Hathor, Lucy and Olivia their bracelets.

            “I am so glad you’re here Star,” Hathor smiled, a little too sweetly. It was clear she was sucking up.

            “Oh, please! If you try to suck up or be my favorite just because I know your sister,” a sly grin came across her face, or because you’re a Lost Senshi is what she was saying with that, “then you’ve got a lot of work to do!”

            Hathor grinned back at her, showing all of her white teeth, “whatever you say, Star.”

            A little girl sat a little further away from Hathor and the other kids. When everyone had a bracelet, she was still sitting by herself. She had long black hair and green eyes. Her face was pale and her lips thin; her cheeks had hardly any color, so was the rest of her, fading colors. Her eyes were pale green, her black hair had no full black color, her lips were faint red, her skin was almost white, and even her clothes were soft colors. It was as if she were a ghost.

            “Hey,” Star smiled at her as everyone got on the bus, “my name is Star. What’s you’re name?”

            “Rose,” even her voice was fading. It was as if her entire body consisted only of fading colors and fragility.

            “Hi Rose!” Star continued cheerfully. She asked some more questions, but she answered with one-syllable words or with just a gesture.

            “Hey, Hathor,” Star sat down next to her, “what’s the deal with Rose?”

            “Who? Oh, the ghost,” Star was shocked at the name, “she’s quiet. She never talks to anyone or wants to share anything. I don’t know, but we all think she’s a ghost.” 

            “Hathor!” Star looked reproachful, “how can you say that? She seems so lonely,” Star glanced at the girl, who sat all by herself, looking out the window, “why doesn’t anyone play with her?”

            “Because she’ll tell you to go away,” Hathor was hurt by Star’s look, “and not in a nice way either. She once scratched a boy who wanted to play with her.”

            “But why?”

            “I don’t know,” Hathor shrugged, “I don’t really care anymore.”

            “I do!” Star got up and went over to Rose, “hey, is this seat taken?”

            Rose looked at her blankly; then went back to looking outside. Star sat down next to her and also looked out the window, “pretty, huh?” Star smiled and pointed to the mother and child playing in the park with a lot of pigeons. Star thought she actually saw Rose smile and nod. But the smile was almost so faint, and it was gone after a couple of seconds.

            In the observatory she was not much different. She would smile and nod at whatever was pointed out, and she completed the worksheet in record time. After half an hour, the kids were still running around and looking for answers as Rose sat in the stellar observatory theatre. Star went over to Mrs. Galley.

            “What is wrong with Rose?”

            “Rose? Oh,” Mrs. Galley sighed deeply, “I wish I knew. Her mother died when she was three, and she never seemed to get over it, that is what I think. But her father and her are so close. I wish I knew what made her try to be invisible all the time.”

            Star went over to her and smiled, “hey again!” she looked up at the dome with the stars, “do you like astrology?”

            Rose nodded, “yes, I like it very much,” this was the most Star had heard her say all day in one sentence.

            “I like stars too,” she smiled, “mainly because of my name. I’ve always wanted to go up there and see the planets up close.”

            “Me too,” Rose smiled at her, “my daddy and I often stay up way late so we can see the moon come up and watch the stars. He said that my mommy is among them, the brightest one in the sky. She also is the prettiest lady alive, even prettier than a princess.”

            “Really?” Star was amazed at what this girl; how could she hide all this?

            “Yes. I wish I could be an astronaut. But my daddy’s girlfriend says that is something only men do,” she lowered her eyes, “I have to go.”

            Without another word she jumped up and ran out of the room. Mrs. Galley entered from the other door and looked anxiously around, “Star, have you seen Tom?”

            “The little short guy with the glasses? Not for a while, no. Why?”

            “Because he’s no where! We have to find them. Come on,” Mrs. Galley went back out of the door, and Star followed the way Rose had taken. They searched the entire building, and finally found him in one of the labs. The kids were apparently playing hide and seek. Mrs. Galley gave them a lecture on responsibility and what they were supposed to do in a museum. She told the kids to find as many as possible and bring them back here, they had to go back to the school where their parents would pick them up.

            Ten minutes later, all the kids were there... all except for one: Rose! Star looked around one more time, but couldn’t find her. She went past a door, which said ‘Private.’ She looked hesitantly at the door. Would she enter a room that said it was closed to the public? She heard soft sobs out of the room. Yep, someone was in there. She opened the door a little bit and looked inside. It was a storage room only.

            In the corner was Rose, her head buried in her hands, crying. Star went over there wordlessly, and put an arm around her. Rose buried her face in Star’s jacket and sobbed wildly.

            After a couple of minutes she looked up. Star smiled down at her, “hey, little one. What’s wrong? Is it about your daddy’s girlfriend?”

            Rose nodded, “I don’t like her.”

            “Rose, sweetie,” Star handed her a tissue, “your daddy’s girlfriend is wrong, girls can do everything boys can, even more than they can! So, you don’t listen to her in that area, but listen to your heart, alright?” Rose nodded slowly, but happily, “so, shall we go now?” Star stood up, pulling Rose up too. They made a quick stop in the bathroom and then went back to the room where Mrs. Galley was.

            They were just about to open the door when Star heard a demon! Oh no! She took Rose by her hand and ran away with her, but the demon had already seen them. The rest of the kids and Mrs. Galley lay on the floor unconscious, and could not be helped right then anyway.

            Rose stumbled over her own feet; that was how scared she was. Star lifted her up and ran faster with her. They came back to the storage room. She pushed her in there and closed the door. Then, she said, “Star Lost Power!”

            The monster came just as she had finished her transformation. He roared, “ah, one of you silly girls in silly dresses! I shall finish you and then I shall finish that last brat!”

            “Brat? She is no brat! Star Twinkle Confusion!”

            The monster stumbled backwards. She opened the door again and took Rose’s hand, “Come on! We have to go!”

            She ran with her outside, where she told her to stay. She called Sailor Moon and Sailor Earth. They said they’d be there soon. The demon now came towards the door! Sailor Star had no time to think it over, “Star Twinkle Confusion!” again all light dots formed around the demon and he was thrown backwards again. Rose watched, breathlessly.

            “Come on!” she pulled rose with her, “he’ll be up soon enough! We have to outrun him, at least until Sailor Moon and Sailor Earth come here!”

            “You know Sailor Moon and Sailor Earth? They are like the coolest!” Rose was obviously in awe.

            Star smiled, “yes, I work with them to save cute little pumpkins like you from them. If we’re lucky, they’ll be here soon! Come on, into the park. We can hide there until they come.”

            Rose stopped in front of the park, “I...,” Rose broke off.

“What is it?” Sailor Star looked at her, not understanding.

“Well,” Rose looked uncomfortably into the park, “I haven’t been to a park ever since my mommy died. I don’t want to go!”

Sailor Star smiled down at her, “I understand, but we have to hide somewhere and I promised Sailor Moon we’d be here,” the demon came around the corner, “Star Tiara Appear!”

Star threw her tiara towards the demon, which caused him to fall backwards. Skillfully she caught it, “we don’t have much time; he’ll be up again soon!”

And indeed, the demon was up again. Rose nodded and they went into the park. The demon was just about to enter the park when a wall of bubbles hindered him. Sailor Dûment stood on the wall separating the park from the street, and smiled down at him, “sorry, but you can’t go there!” she turned to Sailor Star, “don’t say a word! It’s for the girl, not you!” and she was gone again.

Sailor Star and Rose hid behind a bush. The bubble wall did not last too long, and soon the demon was walking through the park, looking for them. Star put her arm over Rose and pushed her down even further. She told her to stay and sneaked out of the bushes.

“Star Twinkle Confusion!” this time the attack hit him completely by surprise.

“You can’t win! Or at least not without those two! Hey, fair is fair! My brother,” a second demon appeared, “and I would love to kick your butt! You’ve got no chance!”

“Bet again! Star Tiara Appear!” she threw her tiara again, this time it was less effective, and they only stumbled a little backwards. ‘Oh no!’ Star thought, ‘I’m getting weak!’

“That’s all you’ve got?” the two demons whispered something she could not understand, and almost immediately a cloud came from them towards her. The cloud that Venus had warned them about, the one that would knock you out cold!

“There is no chance for you, Sailor Brat! You will soon be one of ours! We will take your energy, find Sheba, and then we will use your energy to fight the void!”

Star started to feel numb, her feet could not move, “maybe not,” she forced her head up to look at them, “but if I must, I will die trying! Star Twinkle Confusion!”

She suddenly heard Florie’s voice in her head, “hold on, Star, we’ll be right there!”

            She smiled, “Star Twinkle Confusion! Star Twinkle Confusion!” she repeated the attack over and over again, at least it kept the cloud at bay, “STAR TWINKLE CONFUSION!”

            “Venus Lonely Heart!” Sailor Venus was also on the park’s wall, smiling down at her. Star slowly sank to her knees, until she was finally unconscious.

            “Earth Stave!”

            “Moon Wand”

            “Combine to Punish!”

            Star was dreaming. She ran through the park with Rose, trying to escape the demon. It started to rain! And heavily! Star jerked up, “hey, what’s the big idea?” she was soaking wet. Venus smiled down on her, holding a bucket.

            “Are you alright?” Sailor Moon smiled at her, “that was pretty brave what you did there!”

            “Is Rose-”

            “She’s alright,” Sailor Earth shoved her forward; Rose smiled carefully, “thank you,” she whispered.

            “No problem kiddo!” Sailor Star patted her head; “let’s get you back to the observatory. Star will be waiting for you. She went to get help. Let’s see if it worked, alright?”

            Rose nodded, happily, “you know, when we get back, I’m going to ask Star to come with me to the park! And maybe my daddy will take me too!”


            Star transformed back in the storage room and went outside, where Rose ran over to her. Hathor was talking to Serena, “I can’t believe I was knocked out! For so long! I missed all the action once again! I wish I could just have been there and give that demon a piece of my mind!”

            “You really should have been there!” Rose came over to Hathor and Serena, “it was awesome! I have a new favorite Sailor Scout!”

            “Really?” Serena beamed proudly, “Sailor Moon?”

            “No way!” Rose smiled up at her, “Sailor Star! She has the power of the stars, and she’s really nice!”

            Star laughed at Serena, who was looking angry, “come on,” Star winked at her, “Sailor Star is pretty cool!”


            Everyone laughed.

The End