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Affirmative vs. Negative
Resolved:  (issue of Debate)


Team Captain(s):  Organized, proactive thinkers  who have strong leadership skills to coordinate and check that each member of the team is on task.  Captain(s) are responsible for making sure all briefs are complete and presenters are well informed.   Captain(s) should also act as information specialists.

Use partners (or groups of three)  to complete each role.   Each role requires research, writing, and practice for presentation.

Opening Statement:    This statement must persuasively foreshadow important points of development.  Choose a speaker with strong conviction that will make a strong first impression on judging panel.

Development Briefs:  Each brief will require research in a specific area of topic.  Be thorough in your inquiry and organize most significant points to be made.  Speakers must be familiar with material.  Be sure to document  research and be prepared to cite sources if asked.

Open Debate:  Speakers will need to gather strongest points of argument.   Speakers must be able to “deflate” other team’s strong points  and emphasize their own.  Speakers must be able to think/react quickly to an open debate.

Closing Statement:  This statement should summarize all important points from development briefs and take notes during open debate time period.  This statement must be well organized and clearly convey strong points of argument.  Speaker must show persuasive reasoning for the panel to rule in team’s favor.

Judging Panel:  The judging panel is responsible to:  1) set the rules and regulations for the debate,   2)  write and present a judges brief (as a panel)  to outline points of interest you will be looking to sway your decision,  and 3)  each judge

Order of Debate:
Judges set rules.
 Affirmative   Opening speaker
 Negative   Opening speaker
 Affirmative   Brief #1
 Negative   Brief #1
 Affirmative   Brief #2
 Negative   Brief #2
 Affirmative   Brief #3
 Negative   Brief #3
Affirmative   Brief #4
 Negative   Brief #4
 Affirmative   Brief #5
 Negative   Brief #5
 Affirmative  Closing Statement
 Negative  Closing Statement
  Judges Decision Individually
* Open Debate may be substituted in between each brief if chosen.

Debate Evaluation:

Debate Grade =  (Team Grade) evaluation of combined research and presentation requirements.  All students are responsible for knowing material obtained by group and prepared to answer questions at any time.

Individual Grade =   Each member of your group will grade the other members on performance/ participation and completion of their individual grade.  Use the rubric below.

4 =  Full participation. Completed role thoroughly, provided beneficial
       research and proved essential at group achieving their goal.

3 =  Completed tasks/role required and was helpful at achieving group goal.

2 =  Focus of  tasks/role NOT maintained.  Not essential to group success,
       provided minimal information.
1 =  Showed little focus at task and completing role.  At times disruptive
      and/ or required group warnings from teacher.

Group Grade = Teacher will grade the group according to group rules, behavior and progress of assigned tasks/roles.

    1. Each member of the group must perform a role and participate.
    2. Only the captains may ask the teacher question.
    3. Group members will discuss only group project.
    4. All group members are responsible for all debate info covered.
    5. Group members must stay on task all period.

50 Points Earned
1.   All group members worked cooperatively at helping each other with their
2.   Group discussions stayed on project topic.
3.   Each member of the group always worked hard at fulfilling individual
4.   Group project made expert progress toward requirements all period.

40 Points Earned
1.   All group members were frequently cooperative at helping each other
      with their roles.
2.   Group discussions frequently stayed on project topic.
3.   Each member of the group  worked hard at fulfilling individual role.
4.   Group project made strong progress toward requirements all period.

35 Points Earned
1.   All group members were usually cooperative at helping each other with
      their roles.
2.   Group discussions were mostly on project topic.
3.   Each member of the group usually worked hard at fulfilling individual
4.   Group project made steady progress toward requirements all period.
 30 Points Earned
1.   All group members were sometimes cooperative at helping each other
      with their roles.
2.   Group discussions were usually on project topic.
3.   Each member of the group at times worked hard at fulfilling individual
4.   Group project made progress toward requirements all period.

25 Points Earned
1.   All group members were not always cooperative at helping each other
      with their roles.
2.   Group discussions were sometimes on project topic.
3.   Each member of the group at times worked  at fulfilling individual
4.   Group project made someprogress toward requirements all period.