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USS Ark Angel Online Roleplaying Game

Ships of the Ark Angel line have a long and distinguished history. This game is for the most recent Ark Angel. This one is a Nebula-class vessel with a diverse crew.

The Ship
During the Dominion War, the Ark Angel was badly wounded but not destroyed. Though many of the crew died, the ship carried on and managed to see the end of hostilities. She returned to a space station where the most vital repairs were performed to keep her in service. She was returned to space with a proverbial limp but she continued to serve the Federation well.

Meanwhile, the top of the line ships were serviced and overhauled until they were like new. Finally, after waiting her turn for a few years, the Ark Angel has been called in for servicing. Her overhaul was expected to take a while so the crew, for the most part, took other assignments - moving on with their careers or lives. Some had the option of taking an extended vacation to return to the home they'd known - these few had served the Ark Angel during the War and after; they were attached.

The Crew
A new crew is being assembled as the techs are applying a fresh coat of paint to the ship. Admiral Davis, in the Office of Personnel, has an interest is the line of ships that bear her name - and has therefore hand-picked the crew to serve her in this new journey.

As Starfleet is desperate for new command officers, Davis picks Commander Vicci for the new commanding officer. Though she is a tried and true executive officer, she has not been tested in the center seat. She was decorated heavily during the Dominion War for intelligence and bravery - Davis hopes that experience will serve her well.

The Mission
The USS Ark Angel is on a mission of peace and exploration - or so Command hopes. Their assignment is to venture forth into the Gamma Quadrant in hopes of making new friends and avoiding old conflicts. They are under orders to avoid dealings with the Dominion as much as possible.

This Gamma Quadrant mission is expected to last at least a year. One other Starfleet ship will be in the Gamma Quadrant, attempting to set up contact stations as far out as possible. If the Ark Angel and her sister ship return successful, other missions may be sent out to continue this exploration into the new frontier...

...if they are not successful in establishing peaceful contacts in the Gamma Quadrant, the Federation may face a war she is not ready for...

So join us as we explore the unknown locales and meet unknown faces...for better or worse...

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