This page will show you how easy it is to use FTP and just what exactly it is.
FTP stands for file tranfer protocol (hence the name FTP). We won't go into the technical side of it, just simply how you can use it to help you.
The first thing to know is how to access an FTP computer (referred to as an 'FTP server'). The main reasons to access an FTP server is to;
This can be done via your web browser, which is probably Netscape or Internet Explorer or a software program (referred to as an FTP client). The main difference is an FTP client gives you more features to work with. The best thing to do from here would be to download an FTP client and start using it. You can download an FTP client called WS_FTP from
(just right click on this link and choose "save link as" or "save target as")
now that you've done that it's time to use FTP,
1. Install and start WS_FTP
2. The dialogue box with 'Session Profile' will come up
3. Under 'Profile Name' enter something that will remind you of this ftp server
4. 'Host name', for example microsofts' ftp server would be ftp.microsoft.com
now here's where you've got to be accurate in your information otherwise you won't get connected, make sure you don't include the folder adddress in the host name, for example don't enter ftp.microsoft.com/word/help you'll be able to enter the folder address in a moment.
and another thing to watch out for is that you don't enter ftp:// as a prefix to the Host Name, even though your browser uses this, it is to differentiate the protocol from http://
and one more thing to be weary of (this is the last one I promise) is that not all ftp servers actually start with "ftp.whatever.com" some are named simply "whatever.com" or in the microsoft example "microsoft.com"
5. Host Type, you shouldn't ever have to worry about this, just leave it as Automatic Detect
6. If you have a password enter it here, if not tick "Anonymous login" on the right, which gives the standard login for an anonymous user.
7. Now where it says "remote host" type in the folder address , eg for the microsoft example you would type in /word/help
8. Local PC, this is the directory on your computer where WSFTP will open , don't worry too much about this because you can change it in a moment, it really doens't make any difference.
9. Now click on "save" which is the middle button
10. Okay now for the big moment - choose OK and walla
what is ftp, help with ftp, ftp help, using ftp, ftp using, how do I use ftp, what the heck is ftp, FTP, FTP, ftp what is ftp, help with ftp, ftp help, using ftp, ftp using, how do I use ftp, what the heck is ftp, FTP, FTP, ftp what is ftp, help with ftp, ftp help, using ftp, ftp using, how do I use ftp, what the heck is ftp, FTP, FTP, ftp what is ftp, help with ftp, ftp help, using ftp, ftp using, how do I use ftp, what the heck is ftp, FTP, FTP, ftp