WORLD OF RADIO #978, produced Feb 24, 1999, by Glenn Hauser

*Station appreciation time on WOR; please contact the station where
 you listen to say thank-you; info at our website (see below)
*Israeli harmonic heard on 23 MHz band
*Israel legitimizes political pirates such as Arutz 7
*Radio Pakistan English frequencies confirmed and measured
*Cambodia welcomes Radio Free Asia to broadcast from there
*New Madagascar private SW station discovered
*Radio Mogadishu moves from 11 to 6 MHz band
*V. of Peace and Democracy in Eritrea schedule
*R. Minurca expects new transmitter
*R. Centrafrique back on adjusted frequency
*R. Ukraine Int'l English heard on 60m and other bands
*SWRS Europe testing nightly on RFPI frequency;
*Only BBC to NAm at midday changed site or antenna
*BBC program previews starting in early March: Mapping the World;
 Commonwealth Day March 8; Play of the Week; Seeing Stars; Composer 
 of the Month
*LRA36 Antarctica widely heard testing new transmitter
*Uruguayan DX program gets reprieve
*DST ends in Brazil
*New Bolivian station on 50 meter band
*How to participate in Cumbre DX: contact Hans Johnson, and tell him we sent you
*Tip for Rational Living
*The Media Magazine you Monitor with your Mind, WOR 978; or P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; fax if 
 really necessary, 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser. See our website:
*RFPI adds Wisdom Radio on Sundays
*Some RFPI program audio on demand now on website
*Mexico's XEYU confirmed back on SW, low modulation (recording)
*Radio Marti's audience in Cuba reported to have fallen sharply
*Strike at CBC in Canada continues, bitter feelings; suggestions
 it may take down the whole organisation
*International Radio Report from CKUT-FM now audible on the web
*Low-power Canadians making it to England
*Especially CHNX Halifax, which has new higher-powered transmitter
*Different Kind of Oldies Show Feb 27 on "Magic and Spells"
*DKOS will be live from SWL Winterfest March 13
*Spectrum if back by then will be on Sunday evening after fest over;
 still not restarted as Mark was in hospital
*BTW, last week's Spectrum item was removed from WRN/RFPI version:
 NOT censored, but because our tape was a few seconds too long
*WWCR's mysterious Persian program has new time
*Musical cyberbroadcast from Germany:
*Special MW DX tests March 6-10 from KTSA TX, KIML WY, KSTR SD,
 CHUC ON [sic "Sunday March 6" not sure if means Sat Mar 6 or Sun Mar 7]
*ICF SW07, new Sony SW receiver advertised in BBC On Air; more to
 come at
*Propagation outlook from Boulder Feb 23: major geomagnetic storm 
 last week; next flux peak 200
*Standard disclaimer
*This has been WOR 978; I'm Glenn Hauser                  ###