WORLD OF RADIO #986, produced April 21, 1999 by Glenn Hauser

*Last week most WWCR airings were a phone feed of necessity
*Mundo Radial for April/May starts April 23 on WWCR, Fri 2115 15685;
 and new sked on RFPI 15049, 21460-USB: Mon & Fri 1400, Thu 1530
*WGTG found on strange frequency
*Different Kind of Oldies Show April 24 preview
*AT&T High Seas Operator WOO, WOM, KMI back on SW by FCC order
*Link for Dr. Demento on the web:
*DuMont TV anniversary April 30 with reunion webcast from Chicago;
*CBC Radio applies to run sponsor IDs and name programs for sponsors
*April Fool's joke that Disney would sponsor CBC
*R. for Peace International plans 100 kW transmitter with new powerline
*R. Mosoj Chaski, Bolivia, now on the air
*Brazilians change frequencies and clash on 6 MHz
*R. Kudirat Nigeria, clandestine, makes unexpected comeback; background
*R. Minurca, Central African Republic, confirms it's still on SW with
 low power, and expects higher power in a few weeks
*Congo/Brazzaville gets second official station
*Emerald Radio, Ireland returns to WWCR April 26-30
*RVI confirms Bonaire was using wrong antenna; Music from Flanders
 and other programs are excellent
*DW schedule for Mailbag North America
*Geocities is case sensitive, so Marconi URL last week should have been
*So is Angelfire; we're at and
 some of our pages after / start with cap  [Email is
 or P-mail] P O Box 1684, Enid, OK
 73702 USA; fax if really necessary 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser
*Spain's Sephardic language schedule; English to Europe
*V. of Greece in English to North America
*R. Tirana harmonic on 20m hamband
*Romania heard on unannounced frequency
*V. of Russia heard on 17 MHz band
*Belarus relaying Mayak and other Russians on tropical SSB frequencies
*R. Ukraine's SW status: lots of transmitters off, programs canceled;
 but when they can be heard
*Monitoring Times page with latest broadcast, utility HF/VHF/UHF 
 military freqs:
*Also with updated war info, Mohawk Valley SWL Club site at
*NATO's FM and MW broadcasts to Yugoslavia
*Another Balkan clandestine MW frequency
*BBC correspondent John Simpson in Yugoslavia accused by British
 government of bias; he rejects smears and BBC backs him
*Science on a Plate, new programme on BBC WS
*Israeli Defence Forces' Galei Zahal back on SW with strong signal
*Sara Manobla of Israel Radio English section has retired
*Jordan confirmed back in English on SW
*Iraq reported in English on split frequency
*Pakistan has new morning English show
*IBC Tamil via Germany to Sri Lanka on new frequency
*R. Free Asia plans to broadcast within Cambodia may be prevented
*China Radio International replaces two programs with Opera House,
 On the Road
*Manchuria radio country now in reception window to Ontario
*R. Echo of Hope Korean clandestine on new frequency
*Australia has new licence category for international SW from here
 [sorry about some bad edits in a hurry]
*Propagation outlook from Boulder issued April 20; flux peak 140
*Standard disclaimer
*Glenn Hauser concluding World of Radio 986                    ###