WORLD OF RADIO #989, produced May 12, 1999 by Glenn Hauser

*New Spanish DX report, Mundo Radial, from May 14 on WWCR, Fri 2115
 on 15685
*Tuesday May 11 WORs on WWCR were the previous week's; if you missed
 988 recourse is
*China's new relays appear to be coming from Cuba -- the evidence; 
 other unknown sites; via Mali
*R. Korea Int'l quarterly quiz, and essay topics
*V. of Vietnam had spurs every 10 kHz, now fixed; two transmitter sites
*IBC Tamil went from balanced to Tiger front clandestine, kicked off 
 by Germany; CRW says it's not clandestine
*Goa SW transmissions expanded; India's English sked from separate 
 radio country
*V. of Islamic Palestinian Revolution, via Iran, on new frequencies
*Sa'udi Arabia booming into British Columbia
*V. of Turkey's Turkish to Europe; USB frequencies
*Tanzania report previously turns out to be Namibia
*Check out Ken Mason's website on Africa:
*The media magazine you monitor with your mind, WOR 989; our website E-mail us:
 or P-mail P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702, USA; fax if really necessary
 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser
*Spain's additional English listings; special to Equatorial Guinea
*France's complete English schedule; and marine weather in French
*French TV to NAm a fiasco with 5000 subscribers [not 500 as I said!];
 RFI via Echostar satellite to America has only 1000 subscribers
*New URL for R. Yugoslavia :
*R. Yugoslavia still missing to NAm; back on to Europe
*R. Tirana was missing over a week to NAm, now back
*Europe 41 pirate sked; address
*Merlin Network One's new schedule for The 208 Sound, from Luxembourg
*Another current R. Luxembourg program via Germany on SW
*BBC via PRI in USA airs Letter from America at very odd time
*Paul Moth doesn't expect CBC to renew The Great Eastern
*CBM Montreal closing down permanently May 15
*Congratulations on the 600th International Radio Report
*CFRX audio knocked off by automated ID machine for a week
*W1AW special next week for ARRL's 85th anniversary
*WBCQ back on E-mail, new: - thank them for WOR
*WBCQ has new comedy show Saturday afternoons
*R. Rebelde, Cuba, has three new SW frequencies
*R. Mil, Mexico City wants SW reception reports
*Two-hour window for GBC, Guyana
*Brazilian tropical has new Catholic name
*Another Maunder Minimum may be keeping solar cycle down
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, May 11: flux peaks 170
*Propagation outlook from Ottawa
*Standard disclaimer
*Glenn Hauser concluding World of Radio 989                ###