CONTINENT OF MEDIA 00-01 produced Jan 16, 2000 by Glenn Hauser

*Welcome to COM 00-01, first edition of 2000y; produced approximately
 monthly, broadcast 4 times a week on RFPI plus repeats
*Earlier 1999 editions at
*This and more recent editions may be heard at
*For full info on COM scheduling and on World of Radio, see our
*Website for discussing when TV series went bad:
*Channel 1 TV had one construction permit in Riverside, never on?
*Dispute over whether US digital TV standard 8VSB requires large
 outdoor antennas, will be disrupted in storms
* in trouble over taking US TV signals
* gets permission, but limited content
*Mother Angelica and her nuns move into new 20 megadollar monastery;
 WEWN cost 32 megadollars
*Catholic station in New Hampshire has license revoked
*Timbisha Shoshone Tribe has free radio in Death Valley
*Pirate FM in Marion, IL, WDFD, ``Power 91.5`` with dirty rap
*KIPM, Illuminati Prima Materia, cerebral SW pirate; more info from
*In the midst of COM 00-01, or P O Box 1684, Enid
 OK 73702 USA
*Old Navy Stores talking billboards on MW in California, Chicago
*Jim Bohannon dropped by KTRH, KRLD, so try webcast of ND affiliate
*WCNN, Atlanta, plans format change in April to black news and talk
*WMAL does not transmit from DC; list of AM, FM and TV stations
 actually transmitting from inside the District
*World of Telephones: look up Ma Bell's old official exchange names
 at per
*FAA worried about (A HREF=""> always being on, and
 auto-initiated wireless computer communication
*Ramsey Electronics busted over low power FM transmitters; see
*R. A. Fessenden gets little recognition for first radio broadcast
 on Outer Banks of North Carolina, and hurricane blew down sign
*KGEI used to light up tubes along open feed line for tuning
*CFRB Toronto plans to demolish its towers this spring/summer
*Alberta base applies for FM to relay SSVC, Britain's AFRTS
*Winnipeg's CJKR paid teenager $10K to cycle nude down Portage Street
 in March; had to apologise
*When WYFR's Harold Camping now thinks the earth was created
*Concluding COM 00-01; see
 and click on Continent of Media
*Glenn Hauser, inviting you to hear our weekly program as well,
 World of Radio                                            ###