CONTINENT OF MEDIA 00-02, produced Feb. 25, 2000 by Glenn Hauser *COM 00-02 available whenever you want it at and at least 11 times a week on Radio for Peace International *Info on potential dangers of cell phones at: *Our website: and click on Continent of Media *RF interference from CATV; and from water and other utility meters *Mobiltrak senses car radio frequencies for ratings; *DaimlerChrysler offering 100-channel digital Sirius satellite radio in cars and trucks next year; also Ford, BMW *Carolina radio alerts when a child is abducted *WV jails ban radios as potential weapons, inmates go on hunger strike *Compu-jocks take over radio in Louisville and everywhere: *Louisville's public radio stations move into new home April 1 *Sarasota AM transmits nothing but white noise for a sesquimonth; why relay NOAA? *COM 00-02, a monthly to sesquimonthly program supplementing World of Radio *Barbados FM QSLs trans-equatorial DX in southern Brazil (Portuguese) see *Wacky WAQI, Radio Mambi's Cuba-bashing *Another Miami station runs laugh track for 48 hours in format change *Monday evening, March 20 at 10 pm ET, WPTF-680, Raleigh NC has Open Line hour on shortwave listening two-monthly, 3rd Monday, odd months *Live Oak, Florida's mom-and-pop radio station, WLVO-FM; and others *Ultra-quiet dishwasher radio ad causes havoc on the air in Canada *Tijuana's new classical FM added to webcast *Timer says that's it for this COM 00-02; I'm Glenn Hauser ####