CONTINENT OF MEDIA 01-09, produced Sept. 25, 2001 by Glenn Hauser

*COM 01-09, recorded in late September, but heard mostly in October
*Brought to you by RFPI and Universal Radio, about which more in the
*Thanks to Oscar, Cuban exile in Florida, who was imprisoned for
 contacting Radio Marti, for following items
*Cuba imports a million Panda TV sets from China, removes UHF tuners
 to prevent reception of TV Marti and US TV DX; and sales limited to
 those in good standing, employed by the state
*Cubavision Internacional expanding to Varadero tourist beach, as well
 as satellite, and later this year 24h on internet
*The fourth channel of Cuban Radio, without propaganda, indoctrination
 and censorship, intended only for tourists, being accessed by Cubans
 who modify FM receivers to pick it up
*Comites de Defensa de la Revolucion, neighborhood spy network, now
 has a website
*Conventional and new cellular phones available only to cederistas,
 revolutionaries; even phone installation is a political matter
*BBC involved in helping Cuba to digitalise telecommunications; why
 don`t they in Spanish call cell-phones, which are really walkie-
 talkies, ``hablandas``, or as a verb, ``hablandar``? So I lay claim
 to this coinage. Please inform the Royal Academy
*Internet access strictly controlled in Cuba; allowing E-mail only,
 US dollars only for 15 minutes
*R. Marti is promoting importance of internet
*ETECSA, The Queen of Deficiencies, Cuban phone company
*See DXLDs 1-113, 114, 116, 117, 126 for above stories in detail
*Mexican emergency ham network schedule
*Spanish language radio in the US becoming more sexually explicit,
 crude content and jokes
*FCC commissioner says radio and TV stations should voluntarily keep
 transcripts, recordings, of entire broadcasts, to lessen burden on
*Criticism of Michael K. Powell, chairman of FCC, travels paid for by
*FCC rules on X-band stations loophole allows original owner to re-
 apply for surrendered frequency and continue to operate both
*How weather affects 160m and MW band propagation; see E.S.
 Kazimirovsky and V.D. Kokourov, Geomagnetism And Aeronomy Vol 35, No
 3, 12/95, page 305. And
*This is Continent of Media 01-09, sponsored by Radio for Peace
 International; and by
*Universal Radio, 1-800-431-3939,
*ARRL Amateur Radio Interference Assessment project, above 400 MHz;
 see ARRL Letter of August 17
*NOAA Weather Radio will soon have a new voice, following evaluation
 and survey; Siemens gets $633K contract for voice improvement
*300 Hz radio waves destroy pest zebra mussels: New Scientist, Aug 28
*Marconi centennial year: lots at
*Several SW stations feature Marconi on QSLs this year, including
 Italy, Vatican, Canada, AWR
*WRMI plans multilingual Marconi special UT December 12, in
 cooperation with EDXC, special QSL; see DXLD 1-127, and remind us
*Pacifica network board has five new directors; hopes to get Democracy
 Now back, settle with host Amy Goodman; but RFPI has been carrying it
 M-F 1600 UT, plus 6, 12, 18 hours later
*James Latham article in Fall 2001 Intelligence Report of SPLC:
 From America with Hate: powerful US-based SW radio stations are
 broadcasting extremist propaganda around the world
*Terrorist attack on US covered in great detail, especially
 communications aspects, starting with DXLD 1-125; some links to
 visual and audio sites:
*Background music users request more patriotic music, but not SSB
*Multicultural America; new Berber TV program on cable in Los Angeles
*DRRI -- Digital Radio Rollout, Inc., laying groundwork for major
 Canadian population corridors
*Hardly anybody has digital radios in Canada; won`t it be a
 complete mess for North America, with incompatible Canadian and US
*Canadian broadcasters abandoning AM like rats leaving sinking ship,
 especially in southern Ontario
*See our stash of DX Listening Digests at Comments and contributions:
 P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; or
*Glenn Hauser, here, concluding Continent of Media 01-09. Do join me
 each week for a new edition of my other program, World of Radio ###